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  • 12 Oct 2023
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Article summary

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When logging into WineDirect, the default window that will open is the WineDirect Home Page. Here, various interactive data points will be available to manage a storefront.

General Sales Overview

At a glance, it is now possible to see a visual representation of the past seven days of sales from the storefront.

Below the bar graph, easy-to-read numerical tiles that will indicate:

  • Total Weekly Sales - The total dollar amount of products sold in the last 7 days.
  • Year to Date Sales - The total dollar amount of products sold in the year so far.
  • Total Weekly Orders - Total orders made in the last 7 days.
  • Average Weekly Order Value - Average dollar value of orders made in the last 7 days.

IMPORTANT NOTE: These metrics are not currently customizable

General Platform Overview

These interactive tiles will give exact numbers of various metrics across the storefront's platform. 

IMPORTANT NOTE: These tiles are currently not clickable. However, they will soon be, and when clicked, new windows will open to their corresponding page within the WineDirect platform (i.e., Clicking Club Signups (Last 7 days) will open the Club Membership page).

IMPORTANT NOTE: These metrics are not currently customizable

Sales By State

This interactive map indicates sales levels by color (the darker the color, the higher the sales).

By hovering over a specific state, the total sales of the past 7 days within that state will appear.

IMPORTANT NOTE: This map is only available to the United States.

Sales by Channel

If a storefront has any combination of Ecommerce, POS, or Wine Clubs, this circle graph will indicate what percentage of total sales in the past 7 days came from each channel.

To view the percentage, hover the mouse over the color-coded section

IMPORTANT NOTE: These metrics are not currently customizable

Top Products by Sale

This table will outline the top 5 products sold from the storefront. The product's Name, Total Sales in Dollars, and Number of Units Sold will be shown.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The line items on this table are not currently clickable. A function will be added where a new window will open with that product's profile if one of these items is clicked.

IMPORTANT NOTE: These metrics are not currently customizable

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