08/21/23 - 09/01/2023 Update Log
  • 01 Sep 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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08/21/23 - 09/01/2023 Update Log

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Article summary

This biweekly update is a chance to review, at a glance, what has become available to you as a Winery User and any changes in the functionality of the All-New WineDirect.

Wine Clubs

Options Functionality - Manually created options can be deleted. If an option has a past order, order data will still be available. Learn more

Options Functionality - If an option being deleted has a member with that selection, a warning message will appear, and the option won't be deleted. Learn more

Options Functionality - If an option is deleted and has past orders, it can be reactivated. Learn more

Options Functionality - Having the same name for an option within the same club is impossible. Learn more 

Pick-Up Location Functionality - Multiple inventory pools can be chosen for each release. This can be disabled, and a default inventory pool can be chosen. Learn more

Shipping Origin Functionality - Shipping origin can only be disabled, or a single inventory location can be selected. Learn more

  • The default shipping inventory pool will always be the default inventory pool for the location and cannot be changed.

Page Builder

My Account Page Functionality - Customers can view and update their memberships, statuses, and options with a built-in Wine Club editing page. 

Point of Sale

Guest Checkout Functionality - Customers can be created and saved during a guest checkout. The created customer will be saved in the main WineDirect interface.

  • A credit card can also be saved to a customer's profile during the guest checkout.

Wine Club UI Update - A color-coded wineglass icon will be next to a customer's name at the top of the shopping cart if they are associated with a wine club.

  • Dark Purple = Active membership
  • Light Pink = Pending membership (missing information such as a credit card) 
  • Yellow = On-hold membership
  • Red = Cancelled membership

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