09/15/2023-09/29/2023 Update Log
  • 29 Sep 2023
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09/15/2023-09/29/2023 Update Log

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Article summary

This biweekly update is a chance to review, at a glance, what has become available to you as a Winery User and any changes in the functionality of the All-New WineDirect.

Wine Club

Settings Functionality - If ShipCompliant integration is enabled, users will not see the Avalara Tax Code field in their WineClub settings. Instead, a dropdown menu with saved product types will be available to be chosen from so that products can be taxed appropriately. 

Release Functionality - If the product stock total is clicked in the release settings, a new window will open, showcasing availability in all stock pools

Point of Sale

Product List Fix - Gratuity is no longer available in the WineDirect main product list. Gratuity can only be turned on/off or edited within the POS Profile settings.


SendGrid Integration UI - The email address used to set up the SendGrid integration in WineDirect will be displayed within the SendGrid tile.

Marketing Campaign UI - All 'Learn More' hyperlinks within Email Campain settings redirect to the WineDirect documentation associated with that field

Order Reports Functionality - A drop-down menu is available in the Order Reports section of WineDirect. Previously saved report configurations can be generated with up-to-date data.

Order Reports Functionality - After generating an order report, pressing the 'SAVE REPORT' button at the bottom right of the screen will save any customization made to the report columns.

Order Report Functionality - If WineDirect detects a new report is created and saved with customizations, a window will open for the user to name and describe the report to be recalled with up-to-date information.

Order Report Functionality - Once an Order Report is generated, the 'ACTION' button can be pressed at the top right of the window to either 'Manage Colums' or 'Download CSV.'

Customer Relationships Functionality - An email address is required when adding a new relationship to a customer's profile. The new relationship who is being added to the customer's profile will be automatically notified that they have been added via a system email.

WineDirect UI - The System Emails tab can now be clicked under 'Settings' within the main WineDirect account.

System Email Functionality - Customer Relationship System Emails can be enabled and customized. These must be enabled to add new relationships to a customer's profile. The SendGrid integration must be set up before enabling these emails.

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