Checkout Settings
  • 03 Apr 2023
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Checkout Settings

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Article summary

Switching to Optimized One-Page Checkout

To switch your store to Optimized One-Page Checkout, go to SettingsCheckout and select Optimized one-page Checkout (Recommended). Save your changes. If you use a supported gateway, the new Checkout will apply successfully.

General Checkout Settings

Use these settings to select your store's checkout type, specify how shoppers check out on your store, and enable cart and security features.


Select whether you want to use Optimized One-Page Checkout or a custom checkout.

Screenshot of checkout type setting


Select how you would like shoppers to check out:

  • Allow shoppers to check out without an account as a guest.
  • Allow shoppers to check out without an account but automatically create one after ordering.
  • Require shoppers to sign in or create an account before checking out.

Guest customer account settings

Select how you would like shoppers with existing accounts to check out:

  • Allow existing customers to check out as a guest or sign in.
  • Prompt existing customers to sign in but allow them to check out as guests.
  • Require existing customers to sign in. (Customers with existing accounts cannot check out as guests.)

checkout settings for customers with existing accounts


Select this to enable a "persistent cart," which lets your customers view items in their Cart across multiple devices when logged in. Learn more in Persistent Cart.


Select this setting to enable Google reCAPTCHA, which protects your store against bots and other abuse.

Optimized One-Page Checkout Settings

You will see the locations listed below if you selected Optimized One-Page Checkout as your checkout type or included support for these settings on a custom checkout.


Select this to enable passwordless login for existing customers by generating a one-time password as a link sent to the customer's email. Customers can log in by clicking the link, simplifying the checkout flow.

Enable Passwordless Login on the checkout page.

Select this to enable a checkbox on the checkout page, requiring guest customers to accept the privacy policy before they can check out. This setting is recommended for GDPR compliance.

Checkbox for enabling privacy policy as a requirement for guest checkout.


A default shipping option decreases friction during Checkout. You can set your Checkout to default to one of the following:

  • The least expensive option (not counting in-store pickup)
  • The least costly alternative (including in-store pickup)
  • The most expensive option
  • None (no default selected)


This option will allow customers to ship the items in their order to different addresses. They can select this option on the cart page. See Offering Shipping to Multiple Addresses to learn more.


This setting allows customers in select countries to check out faster by providing a list of potential matching addresses when the customer begins to enter their billing or shipping address. 


This setting allows merchants to leave the "My billing address is the same as my shipping address" box at Checkout unchecked by default.

My billing address is the same as my shipping address


Select whether to display the coupon code/gift certificate field or hide it behind a link.

Coupon/Gift Certificate field


Select to allow customers to enter comments with their order. These comments can be viewed in the OrdersView page by clicking the action wheel beside the order and selecting View Notes.


Enable this to require customers to check a box that says, "I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions." This text can either link to a pop-up with the terms and conditions or to a Terms of Service webpage.

Terms and Conditions URL


All themes available in the Theme Marketplace allow you to customize the styling on your Checkout. See Customizing Checkout to learn more.

Order Confirmation Settings

The Contact Email field allows you to specify an email address to appear on the order confirmation ("Thanks for your order") page. By default, the order confirmation page displays the store administrator email address in your store's Miscellaneous settings.

Specify an email address to be displayed on the order confirmation page.

Want to change the phone number on the order confirmation page? This page uses the phone number listed in the store profile.

Customizing Checkout

Some minor style customizations can be made to Optimize One-Page Checkout using a Stencil theme. Page Builder has an Optimized Checkout section where you can change fonts and colors or add a custom logo. This feature is available on all articles in the Theme Marketplace.

To customize your Checkout, go to SettingsCheckout and click the Customize Checkout button under the Checkout Style heading.

Click on the Checkout Page option to access the checkout page customization options.

  • If you have uploaded a store logo, it will auto-populate. You can also upload another logo only for the checkout page.
  • See the Cornerstone Theme Manual for more details on checkout customization options for that theme.
  • For advanced customization, you can make updates through the Stencil CLI.

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