CMS Overview
  • 07 Mar 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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CMS Overview

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Article summary

The All New WineDirect platform allows clients to choose how they present their ecommerce experience to customers. The available options range from a WYSIWYG drag-and-drop Page Builder that will be fully customizable, a custom WordPress plugin for websites that are already functioning outside of WineDirect, and Headless options for developers to utilize the capabilities of WineDirect in the CMS of their choosing.

Page Builder

Page builder is WineDirect's preferred solution for building a website and storefront. We provide Wine-Speficic templates to our customers as part of their subscription. Only the Cellar Theme is available, but more will be released soon.

Our Page Builder documentation can be seen HERE

WordPress Plugin

WordPress is a platform with a long-standing pedigree among Content Management Systems (CMSs). WordPress lets users access and modify code to shape their websites according to their needs. There is no limit on what elements you can customize; you don't have to hire a specialized developer since it is open-source.

WineDirect has created a custom plugin with WordPress. Once this plugin is downloaded and set up properly, the benefits from the All New WineDirect platform can be utilized within any WordPress site.

WineDirects WordPress documentation can be reviewed HERE


WineDirect will be releasing headless options for developers and designers. WineDirect is developing custom widgets that can be plugged into any CMS platform if Page Builder or WordPress are not ideal solutions.

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