Connecting WineDirect and ShipCompliant
  • 27 Oct 2023
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Connecting WineDirect and ShipCompliant

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Article summary

The ShipCompliant integration can be found by Logging into WineDirect > Settings > Integrations. Once on the WineDirect Integration page, if no ShipCompliant account is associated with the storefront, the following tile will be seen:Click 'CONNECT', then a new window will open where a Webservice User email address and password must be entered.

IMPORTANT NOTE: ShipCompliant requires Webservice User credentials for a successful connection. 

IMPORTANT NOTE: The 'PRODUCTION' or 'SANDBOX' option is selected based on the workspace in ShipComplaint. If ShipCompliant is a sandbox, the URL for ShipCompliant will be, and if the environment is in production, the URL will be

Once SUBMIT is clicked and the credentials are verified, the CONNECT button will be replaced with DISABLE.

If the Connect Button is Unclickable

If the CONNECT button is greyed out and unclickable on the integrations page, this most likely means that the Avalara integration is connected to the WineDirect account. Only one of these integrations can be active at a time. If you wish to connect with ShipCompliant, click DISABLE in the Avalara tile on the integration page, and the ShipCompliant CONNECT button will become active.

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