Customer Segments
  • 12 Oct 2023
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Customer Segments

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Effectively create a customized grouping of your customers using specific criteria to meet your marketing and analytics needs.

Access Customer Segmentation in WineDirect under Marketing > Customer Segmentation

Adding Customer Segments

1. To add a new Customer Segment click the + Add Segment button at the top right of the Customer Segmentation page. 

2. Then add the desired Segment Name, Description, and Selection Criteria

Selection Criteria

Click the + Add Criteria button to be taken to the Selection Criteria Settings page. 

You will be required to fill in 3 data points:

  1. Customer Attribute: WineDirect has created various attributes to search customer data and collect them into one grouping. Some of these attributes include but are not limited to the Date of Birth and Average Order Value.

  2. Condition: The Condition is the way to organize the segment group on specific values such as: Is Less Than, Is Before, or Equals. Each Customer Attribute that WineDirect has created has its own conditions.

  3. Value: The Value is the specific data point that the election Criteria will reference when creating a Customer Segment. An example of this is an actual dollar amount of $250. A completed Selection Criteria will read something like this: Average Order Value (Attribute) + Is Greater Than or Equal To (Condition) + 250 (Value)

IMPORTANT NOTE: You can add additional conditions to your selection with an AND/OR option. This will allow for more specifics in your Customer Segmentations.

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