Point of Sale Products
  • 30 Apr 2024
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Point of Sale Products

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Article summary

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The Point of Sale products page is a digital inventory of the products managed within the main WineDirect admin page. This list is organized in an intuitive and easy-to-navigate format, allowing users to quickly browse and add products to a customer's cart for them to purchase. 

A short press or click on the product's icon will add it to the cart on the right of the application's interface.The product's icon will show the retail price and any discounted price set in the product's profile.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If a red hexagon is in a product's icon, this means that the stock is low based on inventory settings saved to that product's profile

IMPORTANT NOTE: If a product's icon is greyed out, it will not be possible to add it to the cart because it has been identified as out of stockbased on inventory settings saved to that product's profile.

Product Categories

The product categories created in the settings section of the WineDirect Admin Panel will be visible with any product that has been added to that category. The product can be added to a category via the edit availability section of the product's profile in the WineDirect Admin Panel. All products and categories will be displayed in the app in alphabetical order.

IMPORTANT NOTE: A product category must be selected within the Point of Sale profile in the WineDirect admin to be available in the Point of Sale app.

Long Click to View Product Details

It is key for salespeople to be knowledgeable and quick to answer with accurate and detailed information when asked about a product.

On the POS Product List, if a long click is performed (pressing down on a product icon for 1-2 seconds), a new window will appear on the POS screen, providing the user with detailed descriptions, attributes, and inventories of that product pulled directly from the product's profile saved within the main WineDirect admin.

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