Product Image Size Defaults
  • 08 Apr 2024
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Product Image Size Defaults

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Article summary

Developers can adjust the default image sizes for all products in the store's admin panel. Once these sizes have been adjusted, they will be the defaults used when new products are uploaded and can be applied to products uploaded in the past. 

1. Adjusting the default image sizes

Product image sizes can be adjusted under Settings > Website Settings > Products. If the product image does not have the same aspect ratio as what is listed, it will resize as close as possible while staying within the specified dimensions. 

Large is used for product zoom.
The Main is used for the product drill-down pages. 
The thumb is used on the product list pages. 

Note: We recommend logging out and back into the admin panel to ensure these changes take effect. 


2. Resizing the current product images

Changing the image sizes in the website settings will affect all future product images uploaded, but they must be resized to change those already uploaded. Go to Settings > Website> Functions and use the Redo Product Images function. Select any sizes that have changes have been made to and click Save to resize them. We recommend redoing one product size at a time. 


3. Adjusting the CSS of the product image containers

In some cases, the container of the product image may have to be adjusted in the CSS for them to display at a larger size. 

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