Allocation Requests
  • 29 Mar 2023
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Allocation Requests

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Article summary

This report lets you generate an account on any Wish List Requests received for additional allocated products. This report displays the Products requested, the date of their request, the customer who ordered them, the customer's Max allotment, and the number of bottles already purchased.

The search parameters we provide:

AllocationAll Allocations/Select an Allocation
SKUType in a particular SKU or leave blank
From Date-To DateThe date range of the report.

Reports are exported in a CSV format.

Here are the definitions of what will appear in the Allocation Report:

Allocation NameName of the Allocation.
Request DateThe date the allocation request was made.
Product SKUSKU of the products requested.
Product NameName of the products ordered.
Customer NumberCustomer number of the customer requesting more products.
First NameFirst name of the customer that requested more products.
Last NameLast name of the customer that requested more products.
Max QtyThe maximum quantity of the allocation.
Purchased QtyThe amount of product they've they've.
Requested QtyAmount requested above-purchased amount.

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