Allocation Transactions
  • 29 Mar 2023
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Allocation Transactions

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Article summary

This report lets you generate a notification on all your allocation transactions (orders). This report displays the Order Date/Number, Customer information, Name/Number, Order Qty & Price. The Transaction report also lets you view the total products sold, total unit prices, and the total extended price.

Here are the available search parameters:

AllocationAll Allocations/Select an Allocation
SKUType in a particular SKU or leave blank
From Date-To DateThe date range of the report.

Reports are exported in a CSV format.

Here are the definitions of what will appear in the Allocation Report:

Allocation NameName of the Allocation.
Order DateDate the order was placed.
Order NumberOrder number of the order.
Customer NumberThe customer number of the allocation member.
First NameFirst name of the allocation member.
Last NameLast name of the allocation member.
Product SKUSKU of the products assigned to the allocation.
Product NameName of the products assigned to the budget.
QuantityQuantity purchased in the order.
Unit PricePrices per unit of the SKU.
Extended PriceThe total cost of the amount purchased in each row.

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