APIs / Webservices Overview
  • 31 Mar 2023
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APIs / Webservices Overview

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Article summary

Welcome to the documentation for the WineDirect APIs / webservices. 


We have improved our APIs over time. We recommend that you use the latest version of each service whenever possible. The major versions we currently support are:

  • Version 3 Webservices
  • Version 2 Webservices
  • Version 1 Webservices (deprecated)

Each major version may have minor versions with marginal improvements. For ease of use, we will only document the latest minor version. If you use an earlier version and have questions, please get in touch with customer service.

Webservice Accounts

If you wish to set up a webservice account, an admin of the website must set up the account and agree to the terms of use. You can set up the account in the WineDirect admin panel.

General Information

Each web service is bundled into a module related to the type of data it's manipulating. E.g., there are different services for Contacts, Orders, etc.

The objects used in the web service rely heavily on inheritance. As such, every request object will contain a username and password string. Every "Get" response will contain an isSuccessful flag, a record count, a message if there is an error, and a collection of objects where appropriate. Every "upsert" response would contain a collection of result objects, one for each object pushed up, made up of an isSuccessful flag, an external key code that will match the ID in your system, an internal key code that will match the ID in the Vin65 system, and a message if there was an error.

Also, all "Get" response objects inherit from their respective "Upsert" request objects. So the objects returned from a "get" request are a combination of the "upsert" request and a "get" response as described in the sections in this documentation. The information is not duplicated in this document.

All additional parameters outside the base objects are outlined on the pages on the left. A description is only provided for fields that are not obvious.

Please note:

  • The date/time stamps for Version 2.0 webservices are Pacific Standard Time and Version 3+ webservices are in UTC.
  • The webservices URLs for Australian clients differ from those for the US. Please see the detailed pages for more info.
  • There is a brief daily service outage at 8 am EST / 5 am PST in the US/Canada and at 11 pm AWST / 1 am AEST in Australia/New Zealand.

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