ATS Healthcare Report
  • 29 Mar 2023
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ATS Healthcare Report

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Article summary

For Canadian Wineries Only

The. CSV export from the ATS Healthcare Report is formatted explicitly for ATS healthcare to batch-update orders for shipping.

Report Setup

To ensure the accuracy of all orders, we recommend taking additional setup steps for each of the following columns.

Webservices Account

For orders to be imported from Flamesoft, a web service account must be set up for your winery. Please get in touch with to get an account set up. This account information then needs to be provided to ATS Healthcare.


Take the time to make sure you've added weight as detail on each of your products. Every time you create a new order, the report will calculate the total weight based on the weight you entered for each product. 

Running The Report

  1. Go to Reports > Shipping > ATS Healthcare
  2. Select the date range (DD/MM/YYYY)
  3. Under Manage Filters, confirm that your report settings are accurate.
    1. You'll find All Types as the default Order Type option, but it can up updated only to include the Club Order Order Type if needed.
    2. Order Status will only pull Completed and Submitted orders
    3. Shipping status will only use Not Shipped and Sent to fulfillment orders
    4. Clubsis an optional filter that allows you to select one or more clubs to include for the returned orders
  4. Preview your report with View or click Export to download in a . CSV format.

ATS Healthcare CSV

Below is the documentation for the columns in the ATS Healthcare report and what data from WineDirect is used for each. (Definitions are only included for columns populated with WineDirect order information.)

Mandatory rows are marked with a *

Column Name

ATS Instructions

WineDirect Report

Docket *

Enter your unique customer ID number.

This column is left blank and must be manually populated by the winery.


Special attention line.

If there is one, the Company Name from the shipping address is populated. Otherwise, this column will be blank.

Name *

Name of the recipient.

The Shipping First and Last Name is populated.
Address *Address line of the recipient.The Shipping Address is populated.

Address line #2 - suite # etc., of the recipient.

Shipping Address 2 is populated.
City *

City of the recipient.

The Shipping City is populated.
Province *

Two-letter province code of the recipient.

The Shipping State is populated.
Country *

Country code of the recipient.

The Shipping Country is populated.

Zip *

Postal code of the recipient.

The Shipping Postal Code is populated.
Phone *

Phone number of the recipient.


The Shipping Phone Number is populated.
Email *

Phone number of the purchaser. They will receive tracking notifications.

The Billing Email is populated.
Send1 = send tracking information

This column is set to 1 by default.

Pieces *

How many package(s) are being shipped?


This column is populated 1oneby default but may need to be manually updated if the order is split into multiple packages.
Weight *

The weight of the package(s) being shipped.

This column is calculated based on the Products Weight you have entered for each product and represents the total weight of all the products in the package.

You should enter all the weights for your products, so this column does not require manual intervention. You will want to double-check this column if you have not done this.


Any special instructions there may be for the order/package.

The Order Notes are populated.
Service *

The service level for the package(s) being sent.


This column is populated to GE - Ground Expedited by default but can be manually updated.

HS (Heated Service)

KC (Keep Cool)

NS (no signature required)

This column is left Blank by default but can be manually populated.


A reference number for the shipped package(s)


The Order Number is populated.

Description Of Goods

A description of the goods in the package(s) being shipped.

This column is populated to Wine by default but can be manually updated 
Vin65 *

Column AO

This lets ATS know the order came from WineDirect

The Order Number is populated.

Importing ATS Healthcare Report

  1. Ensure to update any columns manually (refer to the columns guide above)
  2. Re-save the file in XLS (Office 97 – 2003) format, not XLSX.
  3. Login to your Flamesoft account.
  4. Follow the setup steps outlined by ATS Healthcare to batch upload the orders for shipping.

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