Canada Post Setup
  • 18 Apr 2023
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Canada Post Setup

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Article summary

The Easy Ship tools allow wineries who self-fulfill their orders to streamline the fulfillment process by allowing shipping labels for supported carriers to be generated right from WineDirect.

Connect Account

To connect your Canada Post account to the WineDirect Easy Ship program, please follow the steps outlined below and complete the form at the bottom of the page: 

1. Go to the Canada Post Developer Tools Website and Sign In. 

2. When the login page refreshes, collect your Customer Number, Production Username (found to the left on the colon [:] ), and Production Password (found to the right of the colon [:] ) of the API Keys page.

3. Complete the form below to submit your account information to our support team, who will reach out when your account has been connected. If you don't know the form info, please get in touch with your local Canada Post rep, who can assist you.

Easy Ship Setup

The Easy Ship tools should be included with your site setup. There are a few setup tasks that must be completed before you can start generating your shipping labels:

Step 1. Connect your Canada Post account to WineDirect.

Step 2. Ensure that all products have weights assigned to them to calculate rates accurately. These can be added manually per product or using mass export/import tools.

Step 3. Navigate to Settings > Misc > Pickup Locations and mark the pickup location where Canada Post will pick up the package as Is Default Fulfillment Location. For complete setup instructions, please see the Pickup Locations Documentation >

Step 4. Navigate to Settings > Misc > Package Types to create the different packaging options for boxing various wine orders (i.e., 3-bottle, 6-bottle, 12-bottle packaging). For complete setup instructions, please see the Package Types Documentation >

Step 5. Update your shipping types by going to Store > Shipping > Choose your shipping strategy > Manager Shipping Types, then change the code field to be the corresponding shipping Canada Post type codes from Easy Ship Codes here >

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