Cart and Checkout
  • 31 Mar 2023
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Cart and Checkout

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Article summary

Unlike other pages in the system, you cannot directly edit the page layouts or CSS for the Cart and Checkout pages. Instead, logo, colors, and font selection updates can be made in the admin panel under Settings > Website Editor > Checkout Design. (Learn more about the Checkout Design page and fields here.)

 Suppose your client signed up previous to October 2017 or, on signup, selected the "Designer Launch" option instead of a template design. In that case, you can disable the new Checkout and continue using the legacy version, giving you edit access to the CSS and HTML surrounding the Checkout forms. While the legacy tools will continue to be supported, improvements to the Checkout experience and any new checkout-related features will only be released on the new tools.

In addition to the modernized experience, some additional features available only for the new Checkout tools include:

  • Fully responsive checkout design with no additional work required
  • Facebook login 
  • PayPal Express Checkout 
  • One Click Offers 

To request additional editing fields or new features to be added to Checkout, please submit them on WineDirect ideas


1. How do I add scripts to the Checkout pages?

Scripts for tracking completed purchases can be added to the Checkout Receipt and Club Receipt pages via the receipt JS settings under Settings > Website Settings > Settings > Custom Javascript. For Google Analytics and Tag Manager tracking, your UA-Code and Container IDs can be added under Settings > Website Settings > Settings > Analytics.

2. What if I need to add additional messaging to the Checkout pages?

In the Content Editor, you can add text above the Cart and Checkout forms. For the Club Checkout, these pages are typically found under Wine Club > Club Login, Club Sign Up, and Club Print Receipt. For normal product Checkout, Cart > Checkout Login, Checkout, Checkout Receipt. 

3. How can I tell if my client uses the new Checkout?

The new tools were launched in October 2017. All accounts signed up after that date with a template will use the new tools. Suppose your client was signed up before that date or selected "Designer Launch" as the website design option on Checkout. In that case, they will either be using those new checkouts with the option to Disable, or they may still be using the legacy Checkout and have the option to update. (see below)

It is automatically using the new tools.

Option to disable or publish new tools



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