Compliance through Compli
  • 12 Jun 2024
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Compliance through Compli

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Article summary

For those using Compli for their Compliance services, WineDirect offers a direct integration through Compli and their Compliance tool.

You can visit their website here to learn more about Compli and what they do.

How it Works

When an order is placed on WineDirect (from the website, mobile, iPad, and admin panel), the order is checked for compliance. Using the web service integration, the WineDirect platform ensures the order meets compliance laws. From here, the order can be viewed as compliant or noncompliant.

Compliant Orders

A compliant order will complete the payment process you have set up with your payment gateway, either Authorize (if you get paid when you ship) or Capture (if you take the money before sending the product).   If you self-fulfill, the order goes to your WineDirect admin panel, and it’s a finished order; you need to send that order. If you’re using a fulfillment center, orders (daily and club) automatically flow to the fulfillment center.

Noncompliant Orders (aka Quarantined Orders)

A non-compliant order will also complete the payment process you have set up with your payment gateway, either Authorize (if you get paid when you ship) or Capture (if you take the money before sending the product). WineDirect calls non-compliant orders ‘Quarantined’ orders. An order can be quarantined for many reasons. If this happens, the website administrator will receive an email whenever a Quarantined order enters your system. You can access these orders through your WineDirect Order area:

Store > Orders > Then change the Status drop-down menu to Quarantine. 

To rectify the order, there is an ‘Edit Order’ button to change the billing or shipping information and products for the order. Once you’re rectified the compliance ‘error,’ you can choose the appropriate ‘Compliance Status:’ action in the drop-down menu and then hit ‘Process.’  The options are:

Retry Compliance (and Submit Order)This will check the order once again for compliance.
Force Compliance into Compliance System (Bypass Compliance and Submit Order)This will force the order through Compli if you want to process it regardless of the compliance issue.
Void ComplianceThis will void the compliance check if you are canceling the payment. This will not send to Compli.
Ignore Compliance Submit/Complete OrderThis will not send the order to Compli and ignore the compliance message.


Compli provides you the option to use an automatic zipcode tax rate calculator. The benefit of this feature is that your tax rates come in automatically for each zip code and calculate all appropriate local and district taxes. The downfall to this is if you’re selling non-wine products (shirts, hats, etc.) it must use the WineDirect tax rates, which are tax rates for wines (this is only an issue if the zip code has a different tax rate for non-wine items than the wine tax rate).

Taxes are automatically calculated if you choose to use the automated Compliance Sales Tax option. You will not be using the tax rates populated in the WineDirect platform. 


There is no direct fulfillment option to send orders to fulfillment. If you are using a fulfillment provider integrated with WineDirect, then charges will be fulfilled through the fulfillment integration.

If you are not using a fulfillment provider integrated with WineDirect, you would export the WSN Report (205 Report) from WineDirect and email it to your fulfillment provider. 


To integrate your WineDirect and Compli accounts, you must have a valid account with both providers. You must create a web service account for Compli in the WineDirect platform to connect the two services. To generate the web service account, you will want to complete the following steps:

1. To sign up for Compli, please click here.

2. Once your account with Compli is set up, please fill out the following form to start the integration process with WineDirect:


3. In the admin panel, navigate to Settings > Users > Webservice Accounts.

4. Review the terms of use agreement and check I Agree.

5. Fill out the form information (First/Last Name, Email, Username, & Password).

6. Under the Vendor drop-down menu, choose Compli.

7. Check the Active checkbox to enable the web service account.

8. Once you have created a web service account, you must send the account username and password to Compli.

Alternative Compli Report

If you do not want to use the Compli direct integration, you can always use the Compli report. Keep reading to learn about how to pull the information. If you do not have access to this report, you will need to contact WineDirect at to have this report enabled for you. 

To access the Compli Report:

1. Navigate to Reports > Sales > Compli Report.

2. The following parameters are in place to generate your report:

From DateThe start order date of your Compliance Search.
To DateThe end order date of your Compliance Search.
TypeThese are the Order types used for the orders. This helps determine the method of how the order was placed:
  • All Types
  • AdminPanel
  • ClubOrder
  • Facebook
  • iPad
  • Marketplace
  • Mobile
  • POS
  • Reservation
  • Telemarketing
  • Website
StatusThis is the Status of your order - by default, we select Submitted and Completed as this is the most common search:
  • All Statuses
  • Submitted
  • Completed
  • Pending
  • Hold
  • Canceled
  • Quarantine
ShippingYou have the option to select from the following shipping statuses:
  • All Statuses
  • No Status
  • Sent to Fulfillment
  • Shipped
  • Picked up
  • Handled Externally
  • No Shipping Required
  • Not Shipped
  • Not Picked Up

3. Click View Report to generate and export your report as a CSV.

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