- 06 Apr 2023
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Contact Services 2.0
- Updated on 06 Apr 2023
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This method will list all of the Club Levels for a given website.
There are no further request parameters.
clubLevelID (string)
This matches the club ID
clubName (string)
This is the club name.
altClubID (string)
Alternative club ID name for vendors.
teaser (string)
Club tease from our site admin.
description (string)
Club description from our site admin.
isActive (boolean)
If club is active.
contactID (string)
A GUID reference to the contact in the WineDirect system. Specifying a contactID will return all club membership records for that contact.
altContactID (string)
A string reference to the contact in your system. If you have previously set this value, you can now retrieve club memberships using your reference ID rather than WineDirect’s. Specifying an altContactID will return all club membership records for that contact.
clubMembershipID (string)
A GUID reference to a specific club membership in the WineDirect system. Specifying a clubMembershipID will return a single record and contactID and altContactID will be ignored.
altClubMembershipID (string)
A string reference to a specific club membership in your system. If you previously set this value, you can retrieve the club membership using your reference ID rather than WineDirect’s. Specifying an altClubMembershipID will return a single record and contactID and altContactID will be ignored.
firstName (string)
The first name of the customer.
lastName (string)
The last name of the customer.
company (string)
The customer's business or company.
address (string)
The street address of the customer.
address2 (string)
Additional address information. For example, unit#, apt#, etc.
city (string)
The customer's city of residence.
stateCode (string)
The two character abbreviated state code or province code. For example, California = CA, British Columbia = BC. Australia state codes, South Australia = SA, Victoria = VIC etc.
countryCode (string)
The 2-digit code for the country. United States = US, Canada = CA, Australia = AU.
zipcode (string)
The customer's zip code or Postal Code.
mainPhone (string)
The customer's main phone number. Format is in: 000-000-0000.
email (string)
Each customer must have a unique email address.
birthdate (date)
The birthdate of the customer. Format is in: MM/DD/YYYY or DD/MM/YYYY.
O indicates inactive, while 1 indicates active.
dateAdded (date)
Can be entered as MM/DD/YYYY or DD/MM/YYYY
dateModified (date)
Can be entered as MM/DD/YYYY or DD/MM/YYYY
contactID (string)
A GUID reference to the contact in the WineDirect system. Specifying a contactID will return a single specific contact record.
altContactID (string)
A string reference to the contact in your system. If you have previously set this value, you can now retrieve contacts using your reference ID rather than WineDirect’s. Specifying an altContactID will return a single specific contact record.
customerNumber (string)
A unique human-readable number assigned to a contact in the WineDirect system. Specifying a customerNumber will return a single specific contact record.
firstName (string)
A contact’s first name. Unlikely to be unique, this may return multiple records and is useful for searching.
lastName (string)
A contact’s last name. Unlikely to be unique, this may return multiple records and is useful for searching.
eMail (string)
A contact’s email address. Likely to be unique but may return return multiple records.
Company (string)
A contact’s company. Unlikely to be unique, this may return multiple records and is useful for searching.
City (string)
A contact’s city. Unlikely to be unique, this may return multiple records and is useful for searching.
Phone (string)
A contact’s phone number. Unlikely to be unique, this may return multiple records and is useful for searching.
contactType (string)
A string specifying a contact type defined in the WineDirect admin panel. Typical values are “VIP”, “Friends and Family”, or “Bob’s A-List”. Some coordination is required to make sure the contact type specified exists in the WineDirect system.
fromDate (date)
A filter criteria specifies that only records modified after this date will be returned.
toDate (date)
A filter criteria specifies that only records modified before this date will be returned.
Page (numeric)
Used for pagination in conjunction with maxRecordCount. It allows the caller to request data in segments. The page parameter specifies which segment and the maxRecordCount specifies how big the segment should be. For example, if you display 20 records on a page and you want the third page, you would set page equal to 3 and maxRecordCount equal to 20.
maxRecordCount (numeric)
Specifies the maximum number of records to return. Typically used for pagination in conjunction with page. It allows the caller to request data in segments. The page parameter specifies which segment and the maxRecordCount specifies how big the segment should be. For example, if you display 20 records on a page and you want the third page, you would set page equal to 3 and maxRecordCount equal to 20.
accountNumber (string)
A unique human-readable account number within the WineDirect system assigned to each contact.
lastLogin (date)
Can be entered as MM/DD/YYYY or DD/MM/YYYY
dateAdded (date)
Can be entered as MM/DD/YYYY or DD/MM/YYYY
dateModified (date)
Can be entered as MM/DD/YYYY or DD/MM/YYYY
dateImported (date)
Can be entered as MM/DD/YYYY or DD/MM/YYYY
contactID (string)
A GUID reference to the contact in the WineDirect system that you want to return contact types for.
altContactID (string)
A string reference to the contact in your system. If you have previously set this value, you can now retrieve contact types using your reference ID rather than WineDirect’s.
contactType (string)
The name of the contact type assigned to the contact.
contactID (string)
A GUID reference to the contact in the WineDirect system. Specifying a contactID will return all shipping address records for that contact.
altContactID (string)
A string reference to the contact in your system. If you have previously set this value, you can now retrieve shipping addresses using your reference ID rather than WineDirect’s. Specifying an altContactID will return all shipping address records for that contact.
shippingAddressID (string)
A GUID reference to a specific shipping address in the WineDirect system. Specifying a shippingAddressID will return a single record and contactID and altContactID will be ignored.
altShippingAddressID (string)
A string reference to a specific shipping address in your system. If you previously set this value, you can retrieve the shipping address using your reference ID rather than WineDirect’s. Specifying an altShippingAddressID will return a single record, and contactID and altContactID will be ignored.
Can be entered as MM/DD/YYYY or DD/MM/YYYY
Can be entered as MM/DD/YYYY or DD/MM/YYYY
This method requires an array of ClubMembership objects be passed in. The properties of the ClubMembership object are listed below.
contactID (string)
A GUID reference to the contact in the WineDirect system. Either contactID or altContactID are required.
altContactID (string)
A string reference to the contact in your system. It must have been previously set in WineDirect to be used here, otherwise the upsert will fail due to no contacts with this ID being found. Either contactID or altContactID are required.
clubMembershipID (string)
A GUID reference to the club membership in the WineDirect system. This should only be used to update existing records with a known clubMembershipID. Otherwise it’s ignored.
altClubMembershipID (string)
A string reference to the club membership in your system. The system will attempt to find a match with this ID when provided, but if it doesn’t, a new record will be created with this altClubMemershipID set for future updates.
clubName (string)-REQUIRED
The exact club name as it exists in the WineDirect system. The clubName determines which club the contact is a member of. Providing a clubName that does not exist in WineDirect will result in an error.
shipTo (string)
This is an enumerated string that should be set to “ShippingAddress” or “BillingAddress”. If nothing is passed in, “BillingAddress” is assumed. If “ShippingAddress” is passed in, you must also pass in a shippingAddressID. You may need to add the shipping address first if it does not exist.
shippingAddressID (string)
Used in conjunction with “shipTo” when “ShippingAddress” is passed in.
signupDate (date)
The date that the member signed up for the club.
onHoldUntilDate (date)
If a club membership is on hold, this field is the date the hold will be released.
cancelDate (date)
The date that a club membership was cancelled.
retainClubPrivileges (Boolean)
A winery may allow the member to retain club privileges if a club is on hold. Set this to true if that is the case. Default is false.
isGift (Boolean)
Whether or not this is a gift membership.
giftMessage (string)
Gift message for the gift membership. To be passed to fulfillment, typically printed on the invoice.
sourceCode (string)
A text field typically used for tracking the source of the membership via codes printed on marketing materials. Can also be used to store meta data for reporting instead.
notes (string)
Notes about the membership from the member. Typically things like ship date preferences or requests for special services.
isPickup (Boolean)
If this membership is a pickup only membership, set this to true.
isPrePay (Boolean)
If the membership was pre-paid, set this to true.
prePayOrderNumber (string)
If the membership was pre-paid and you have the order number where the payment was made, enter that here.
totalNumberOfShipments (numeric)
If this is a gift membership for a specific number of shipments, you can set this field to that number. WineDirect club processing will respect this number and remove the club membership from processing after the number has been reached.
There are no additional response parameters.
This method requires an array of Contact objects be passed in. The properties of the Contact object are listed below. When passing in contacts, the system will attempt to find a match first on contactID if provided, then it will try altContactID, and finally it will try email address. If no matches are found, a new record will be added.
contactID (string)
A GUID reference to the contact in the WineDirect system.
altContactID (string)
A string reference to the contact in your system. Setting this will allow future updates using your ID instead of the WineDirect ID.
altAccountNumber (string)
This account number in your system can be tracked in WineDirect. It is not used for matching of accounts in anyway, but rather just for reference. They are typically used with RMS integrations.
firstName (string)
The first name of the customer.
lastName (string)
The last name of the customer.
title (string)
The customer's title.
company (string)
The customer's business or company.
address (string)
The street address of the customer.
address2 (string)
Additional address information. For example, unit #, apt #, etc.
city (string)
The customer's city of residence.
stateCode (string)
The two character abbreviated state code or province code. For example, California = CA, British Columbia = BC. Australia state codes, South Australia = SA, Victoria = VIC etc.
countryCode (string)
This is a standard two letter country code, default is “US”.
zipCode (string)
The customer's zip code or Postal Code.
mainPhone (string)
The customer's main phone number. Format is in: 000-000-0000
cellPhone (string)
Deprecated Field - Input ignored.
fax (string)
Deprecated Field - Input ignored.
email (string)-REQUIRED
This is a required field. When upserting customers, email matches existing records if no other IDs are passed in.
isSingleOptIn (Boolean)
Set this to true for customers who have requested to opt into a mailing list. This will set their email status to "Single Opt In", and will send them an "Email Verification" email which contains a link to Double Opt In. Default is false.
Usernames must be unique and greater than 6 characters.
Passwords must be greater than 6 characters.
birthDate (date)
priceLevel (string)
A string representation of a price level that must already exist in the WineDirect platform. If it exists, the contact will have that price level assigned, otherwise this field is ignored.
isNonTaxable (Boolean)
Set this to true for contacts that are not required to pay tax. Tax calculations will use this flag to make them exempt if appropriate. Default is false.
isDirectToTrade (Boolean)
Set this to true for “direct to trade” customers. This will give them DTT pricing and enable other DTT features of the system. If this is set to true, you must also set the wholesaleNumber field. Default is false.
wholesaleNumber (string)
Used in conjunction with the isDirectToTrade field as described above.
paymentTerms (string)
Enumerated type that is either blank (default), “Net 10”, “Net 30”, or “Upon Receipt”.
facebookProfileID (string)
Used to store a Facebook ID for Facebook related services in the WineDirect platform.
There are no additional response parameters.
This method requires an array of ShippingAddress objects be passed in. The properties of the ShippingAddress object are listed below.
contactID (string)
A GUID reference to the contact in the WineDirect system. Either contactID or altContactID are required.
altContactID (string)
A string reference to the contact in your system. It must have been previously set in WineDirect to be used here, otherwise the upsert will fail due to no contacts with this ID being found. Either contactID or altContactID are required.
shippingAddressID (string)
A GUID reference to the shipping address in the WineDirect system. This should only be used for updates of existing records with a known shippingAddressID. Otherwise it’s ignored.
altShippingAddressID (string)
A string reference to the shipping address in your system. The system will attempt to find a match with this ID when provided, but if it doesn’t find a match, a new record will be created with this altShippingAddressID set for future updates.
Nickname (string)
A text field describing the shipping address as it will appear in the contact’s address book.
birthDate (date)
The birthday of the customer. Format is in: MM/DD/YYYY or DD/MM/YYYY.
firstname (string)
The first name of the customer.
lastname (string)
The last name of the customer.
company (string)
The customer's business or company.
address (string)
The street address of the customer.
address2 (string)
Additional address information. For example, unit #, apt #, etc.
city (string)
The customer's city of residence.
stateCode (string)
countryCode (string)
This is a standard two letter country code, default is “US”.
zipCode (string)
The customer's zip code or Postal Code.
mainPhone (string)
The customer's main phone number. Format is in: 000-000-0000
Email (string)
Each customer must have a unique email address.
isPrimary (boolean)
Only one shipping address can be set as the primary. If you set an address as primary, all other addresses will be checked for and cleared of this flag.
CashierID (string)
There are no additional response parameters.