- 29 Mar 2023
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Credit Cards
- Updated on 29 Mar 2023
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The Credit Cards section of the member's pages allows customers to manage their credit cards on their profile. The page will show all credit cards used by the customer for orders. Customers can add new credit cards, edit existing cards or delete a card.
Edit Existing Credit Card
To edit an existing credit card on a customer's profile, the following information will be required:
- Credit Card Type
- Card Number
- Expiration Month
- Expiration Year
- Name On Card
There will be a field called Primary. This indicates to the Vin65 system whether this credit card will auto-populate whenever the customer processes an order.
Adding A New Credit Card
Customers can add new credit cards by clicking the Add A New Credit Card button. This will then prompt the customer to complete all the necessary information(s).
Deleting Existing Credit Cards
The customer can remove a credit card stored by clicking the Delete button.