Ecommerce Tags
  • 31 Mar 2023
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Ecommerce Tags

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Description: This tag displays a login status. It toggles between logging in and logging out depending on the user's session

Optional Attributes:

delimiter: The text that separates Your Account and Login

default: "&nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp;&nbsp;"
usage: <v65:login delimiter="&nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp;&nbsp;"></v65:login>

HTML Source Output:

<a href="/index.cfm?method=memberlogin.showLogin" id="v65-modalLoginLink-YourAccount">Your Account</a>
<a href="/index.cfm?method=memberLogin.showLogin" id="v65-modalLoginLink-Login">Login</a>

Base CSS from vin65.css:

Resource Bundle Elements:
your account


<v65:modalCart display="dontShowIfZero"></v65:modalCart>

Description: This tag displays visitors' carts.

HTML Source Output:

<div id="v65-modalCart">

   <a href="javascript:vin65.cart.toggleCart();" id="v65-toggleModalCart">
      Cart <strong>0</strong> items:<strong>$0.00</strong>

   <div id="v65-modalCartDropdown">

      <div id="v65-modalCartBody">

         <p class="right"><a href="javascript:vin65.cart.hideCart();" class="modalLinkAltBtn"><span>Close</span></a></p>

         <div id="v65-itemAddedText" style="display:none;">
            <p class="alertYellow">Item was successfully added to your cart</p>

         <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" id="v65-modalCartTable">
               <th style="text-align: right;">Price</th>
               <th style="text-align: right;">Total</th>

            <!--Cart Subtotal-->
            <tr id="v65-modalCartTableSubtotal">
               <td colspan="3">&nbsp;</td>
               <td class="right">SubTotal</td>
               <td class="right">$0.00</td>
            <!--/Cart Subtotal-->


         <p class="right"> <a href="/index.cfm?method=cart.showCart" class="modalLinkAltBtn"><span>View Cart</span></a></p>


      <div id="v65-modalCartFooter">&nbsp;</div>



Base CSS from vin65.css:

Resource Bundle Elements:


Description: The Suggested Products tag can be used on the cart or product drill-down layouts for dynamically suggesting products. This tag uses product attributes and previous custom data to suggest products.

The tag on the cart page shows suggested products based on the last item added.

Available on:

  • Product Drilldown
  • Cart


dataType: This can be 'Both,' 'Purchase,' or 'Product.' This attribute defines how the query knows whether to look at order history or similar products. Use 'Both' most of the time. Order History always outranks Product Attributes – so if you use both and there is Order History – it will likely never look at product attributes.

Price range: To have priced in the rank – you need to have a price range. If the price range is '5' – it will look for products priced above the current product by $5 or below the current product by $5.

max rows: This is how many products are returned

rank: You adjust the weight and rank of attributes – so products with more similar attributes are ranked higher than products with less similar attributes. Take these attributes - {price=5,varietal=5,region=5}. If a product is within the price range, it gets 5 points. If the varietal matches, it gets 5 points; if the region matches, it receives 5 points. The products with the highest points rank at the top.

Layout: Custom layout to display products. By default, it used the product group layout.

title: Optional attribute to put a title if there are any results

HTML Source Output:

<div class="v65-suggestedProducts">

     <div class="v65-suggestedProducts-products">

          <div class="v65-suggestedProducts-product">

               <div class="v65-product-photo" v65js="productsForQuickview">
                    <a href="/product/2004-Cabernet-Sauvignon-Reserve"><img src="/assets/images/products/thumbnails/red2.jpg" alt="2004 Cabernet Sauvignon Reserve" border="0" /></a>
                    <a class="v65-product-QuickView" href="/index.cfm?method=products.quickView&productID=374843e3-1e0b-4e34-f059-7f7980f2d493&referrerQueryString=method%3Dcart%2EshowCart" v65js="quickViewButton">Quick View</a>

               <div class="v65-product-title">
                    <a href="/product/2004-Cabernet-Sauvignon-Reserve">2004 Cabernet Sauvignon Reserve</a>

               <div class="v65-product-reviewStats">
                    <a href="/product/2004-Cabernet-Sauvignon-Reserve#productReviewsAnchor">Be the first to review this item &raquo;</a>

               <div class="v65-product-addToCart">
                    <form method="post" action="/index.cfm?method=cart.addToCart" class="v65-addToCart" v65js="addToCart">
                         <legend>Add To Cart</legend>
                         <input type="hidden" name="productSKU" value="2004 Cabernet Sauvignon Reserve">
                         <input type="hidden" name="productCategoryID" value="7f4e99ad-967d-44d0-a05b-29eb47c3c036">
                         <div class="v65-product-addToCart-priceWrapper">
                              <div class="v65-product-addToCart-price">$80.00</div> 
                              <div class="v65-product-addToCart-unitDescription">/ Bottle</div>
                              <div class="v65-product-addToCart-productSKU">SKU: 2004 Cabernet Sauvignon Reserve</div>
                         <div class="v65-product-addToCart-quantity">
                              <input type="text" name="Quantity" value="1" style="width: 20px; text-align: center;" />
                         <div class="v65-product-addToCart-button">
                              <button type="submit" value="submit" class="defaultBtn"><span>Add To Cart</span></button>




Base CSS from vin65.css:

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