Editing V1 Email Documents
  • 29 Mar 2023
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Editing V1 Email Documents

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Article summary

This is where you will create and save emails you want to send to customers, club members, vendors, etc. The emails are formatted to reflect your website design. They can be edited to include images, hyperlinks, and tables like your available pages in the site editor. Type directly in the dialog box or cut and paste from a standard word processing package like Microsoft Word. Once finished, you will save your document and move on to the next step – sending a mass email. 

Please watch the below video, or read the following text that covers the email features in Vin65.

How To Copy An Individual Email:

1. Open up the Email Document that you’d like to copy.

2. Click the Source button to view the HTML code for that email.

3. Highlight all the HTML (Select All or Control + A), then copy (Control + C).

4. Close the email, then open a new document by clicking Add An Email Document.

5. Click the Source button within the new email document.

6. Delete the existing HTML, then paste (Control + P) the HTML (from the email you wanted to copy) into the HTML field.

7. Save the email document by clicking on Apply Changes.

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