- 29 Mar 2023
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Business Categories
- Updated on 29 Mar 2023
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The Business Locator tool can now categorize your locations. For example, you can categorize where wine can be found by "Restaurant" or "Retailer." Businesses can be put into one or more categories if you please. The changes mentioned above also mean the import and export are different. The export will now show the first four categories that any business belongs to. The importer will allow a business to be imported with up to 4 categories.
Add Business Location Categories
1. Log in to your WineDirect admin panel.
2. Go to Content Editor > Business Locator in the sub-navigation below the main navigation.
3. When hovering on the Business Locator link, you can choose Business Categories from the dropdown.
4. On the left, click on Add A Business Location Category. Type in the category you wish to add and click Apply Changes in the bottom right corner of the box.
5. Once you've added all your desired categories, you can go back to the main Business Locator page and click Add a Business on the left.
6. All the functionality of adding a business is the same as before; however, now you can go to the categories tab in the box, check off the categories the business belongs to, and then Apply Changes.
7. The above can also be applied to current business locations. Click on the green pencil icon to the right of any business location to apply your categories similarly.