  • 22 Oct 2024
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Article summary

A campaign is a tool designed to help you with outbound phone marketing. This tool enables you to create marketing campaigns, add contacts and customers you want to reach out to ("Leads"), and assign these customers to sales reps at your winery to call. It will also provide you with success measurement statistics about your campaigns and can calculate the commission paid to your representatives.

Campaigns begin using our List Builder tool to build a list of contacts to assign to the Campaign. This will allow you to curate your Leads based on filters available in List Builder.

Create A Campaign

1. Navigate to Contacts in your admin panel. Select Campaigns.

2. Click Add a Campaign. This will take you to the first page to add General Information.

General Information

Campaign NameName of the Campaign
Commission RateDetermining the percentage of Total Sales to be distributed as commission for Sales Rep. Value must be in decimals and converted to a rate (e.g., 0.5 will be converted to 50%).
Start Date

When the Campaign starts and is active.

End DateWhen the Campaign ends and is no longer active.
Planned Start Date
Planned End Date
Key Contact Name
Key Contact Phone
Key Contact Email
NotesNotes about the Campaign.

Place Contact Into Campaign

1. Go to Contacts > List Builder

2. Select the List Builder list you want to assign to a campaign.

2. Click Generate List.

3. Under Actions, select Place Into Campaign.

4. Choose the Campaign to assign these Contacts by selecting from the drop-down.

5. Assign sales associates' previous purchasers will assign the contact to the Sales Associate who helped them with their latest order when placed into the Campaign.

Assign Contacts to Sales Rep

Once you have placed Contacts into the Campaign, you must assign the contacts to specific sales reps, so someone will be responsible for reaching out to each lead.

1. Go to Contacts > Campaigns > Open a Campaign.

2. Under Campaign Tasks, select Assign Contacts into Campaigns.

3. Lead Status will show you how many total Leads are available in the Campaign and how many have been assigned to a specific rep.

4. Under Assignments, your Sales Rep names should display. You will want to enter a number here to determine how many Leads you would like to assign to the corresponding Sales Rep.

5. Click Save Changes

Once leads/contacts have been assigned to the appropriate sales reps, making the outbound calls is time. Additional search filters are available in our Campaign section to help your sales reps create an accurate list of people they need to call. Search Filters are criteria - only contacts who meet the requirements outlined in the filter will display on the list. You can combine multiple filters.

Advanced Campaign Contact Search Definitions:

Calls Made

- Not Called Yet: Lead hasn't been called
- 1 Call Made: Lead has been called once
- 2 Calls Made: The lead has been called twice
- 3 Calls Made: The lead has been called three times
- Any Calls Made: Lead has been called

Calls EstablishedYes or No. Yes would indicate an at one point, and a Result at one end from the call was recorded.
Email Sent
PurchasedYes or No. Yes, it would indicate an order has been placed for this contact from the Campaign. Orders placed outside of the Campaign will not count.
Wine ClubYes or No. Yes would indicate the contact is a wine club member
InterestedYes or No. Yes would indicate a call was made at one point, and a Result of Interested was saved.
AppointmentsYes or No. Yes would indicate a call was made at one point, and a Result of Appointment Scheduled was saved.
StateState the contact's Billing Address is in.
Time ZoneEastern, Central, Mountain, and Pacific Time.
Last NameContact's Last Name
Called FromThe contract called after this date
Called ToThe agreement was called before this date
Sales AssociateSales Associate assigned to the contact. This field will default to the sales rep logged in.
CallableYes or No. No would indicate a call was made at one point, and a Result of Do Not Call or Bad Phone was selected.

Campaign Contact Drilldown

When your sales rep reaches out to a specific contact, they will use the Campaign Contact drill down to record the call's outcome. They can also perform actions such as creating a new order right away.

 Campaign Contact Drilldown Definitions:

CustomerName of Contact/Lead
Call TimeThe last time a call was made.

View Customer: Opens up the Contact Profile
New Order: Place an Order for Contact


Options are Not Interested, Requested Email, No Message Left, Interested, Purchased, Do Not Call, Unavailable, Left Voicemail, Appointment Scheduled, and Bad Phone.

There isn't a way to add a new Result; only the ones listed above will be available.

RepChoose the Rep assigned to the Contact/Lead.
Call NotesNotes to record from the call
Call Summary

Note Time: Time when the Note was saved.
Subject: Will display "Call By: Sales Rep Name. Results: [Result]"
Note: Notes recorded from the call

Campaign Stats

Here you can see statistics about your Campaigns and their success. This section is located under Contacts > Campaigns > Open a Campaign.

Campaign Stats Definitions:

Total LeadsTotal number of Leads in the Campaign.
Assigned LeadsNumber of Leads assigned to a Sales Rep
Average Call per LeadNumber of calls made/number of leads called
Average Contact per Lead
Percentage of List ContactedNumber of leads called/Total Leads
Net Sales

Net Sales collected from Campaign

Total RefundsRefunds processed on Campaign orders
Total SalesTotal Sales collected from Campaign
Club SalesTotal Sales - Total Sales by non-club Members
Non-Club SalesTotal Sales - Total Sales by Club Members

 Campaign Stats By Day and Rep Stats Definitions:

DateThe date which campaign stats are referring to
CallsNumber of Calls made
# of OrdersNumber of Orders processed from Campaigns
SalesTotal Sales collected for a date
AOVAverage Order Value. It will calculate (Sales / # of Orders)

Conversion Rate. It will calculate (the # of Orders / Calls)

Campaign Automation

Using Campaign Automation, you can dynamically update your list of Contacts based on the List Builder list. Lists generated using our List Builder tool update automatically based on the parameters set on the list. If you want the automatic updates to update the list in your Campaign, you will want to enable Campaign Automation.

1. Go to Contacts > Campaigns > Open a Campaign

2. Click Edit on Campaign Automation

3. Check off the box

4. Click Save

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