Wine Club Setup
  • 18 Oct 2024
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Wine Club Setup

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Article summary

Wine Club Setup is simple and easy with WineDirect Ecommerce. Let's get started setting up your wine clubs! 

The very first step is to login to the admin panel and navigate to Store > Clubs. Below, we'll guide you through the process of creating your clubs step-by-step.

How to Create a Wine Club

1. In the Admin Panel, click on Store > Clubs > Club List > [+] Add A Club. 

2. Fill out the information in the Add a club page. (fields with a red * are mandatory). 

Club Names should be short and sweet! Club Names are limited to 50 characters. If characters are exceeded, it will result in an error page.


NameThe name of the club.
CodeThey are used for Webservice integrations when importing Club Members.
Short NameThe abbreviated name for your club will appear on the WineDirect POS.
TeaserYour club description will appear here. This can include club name, specifications, amount of yearly shipments, types of products included in the club shipments, and any other relevant information that will draw your customers into joining that club.
OrderThe order that the clubs will appear in your club listing.
ShippingFrom the dropdown menu, you can select if this club Ships to All States or Only to States Marked Compliant. Basic compliance and tax settings can be managed through your State Profile.
PickupYou can select the club's pickup options from the dropdown menu: No Pickup At Winery/Store or Allow Pickup At Winery/Store. If you allow pick-up, you can learn more about managing your Pickup Locations here.
Display On the Web?If this box is checked off, then this club will appear on your club listing on the front end of your website. If the box is left unchecked, it will not appear on your website, and members will have to manually be added in through the admin panel or your POS.
Is Active?If this box is checked off, then the club will be active so that your customers can sign up for a membership, and you can process club shipments.
EmailYou can use the Default Order Confirmation email if Default is selected from the dropdown menu. Any other custom club confirmation emails created will also appear as an option. If this menu does not appear, you can contact to have this optional feature turned on.
User ChoiceSelect Yes or No for this club to be a User Choice Club. Click on User Choice Clubs to learn more.

3. After the Wine Club information is filled out click on Save to create the Club. You can edit this information and other settings for the club after saving.

4. You can edit the General Information and also add a Description, add a Season (For User Choice Clubs), set a welcome package and prepay options. See more information on those tools below.

Where will my club show on my Website?

If you have checked the "Display on Web" box in the General Information section when creating your club or after finishing editing all other details, then the club will show on your club page in your website. The "Display on the web?" checkbox automatically creates a component in the Wine Club page of your website. 

This Wine Club component will show the club's Name and the Teaser, as well as a "join now" button. The image below shows how the clubs are shown for your customers in the Wine Club page of your website. If there is no teaser for the club, the club name will show followed by the "Join Now" button. 

The example below was created by our team from one of our templates; the look can be different depending on the template chosen or if a designer is involved in modifying your website. Please note that if your website has been modified by a Designer, these rules might not apply and you should consult your designer if club information is not showing in your website.

How to add a Welcome Package do your Wine Club

You can add a Welcome Package to the club after creating the club and saving the General Information. A Welcome Package for your new members can be a good way to validate credit card information and to already get your club members feeling excited about their next shipment. 

  1. Go to Store > Clubs > Club List > Select the club you want edit. 
  2. Scroll down to the Welcome Package section and click EDIT. 
  3. Select Has Welcome Package from the Welcome Package dropdown menu in the club information.
  4. Select a System Shipping Rate / Shipping Strategy / Shipping Type
  5. Click on Save.

ShippingYou can select Use a System Shipping Rate from the dropdown menu. Shipping Rates can be created through the Shipping section of your admin panel. If Use a Flat Rate is selected, an additional field will appear, allowing you to input a dollar amount for the shipping cost.
Shipping StrategyFrom the dropdown menu, you can select a Shipping Strategy that you have in place.
Shipping TypeOnce you've selected a Shipping Strategy, Shipping Type options appear from the dropdown menu corresponding to the Shipping Strategy chosen.
Allow Gift Cards on Welcome PackageIf this box is checked, your customers can use a Gift Card to pay for the Welcome Package.
Allow Coupons On Welcome PackageIf this box is checked, your customers can use any Promos/Coupons applicable towards the shipping or product costs within the Welcome Package. Promos will only apply to the Welcome Package if the price of the products within the Welcome Package has not been overridden or modified from the default retail price when setting up the package. 
Add ItemClick this button to search for active products you would like included in the Welcome Package. Once the product(s) is chosen, the Item Description, Price, Quantity, Total, and Subtotal will appear. You can delete the products by clicking the [x] Remove button next to the product.

Wine Club PrePay Options

You can set up multiple PrePay options for the Club by selecting Club Has PrePay from the Allow PrePay dropdown menu.

No Of ShipmentsYour club members will receive the number of shipments before the membership is canceled. Ideally, how many times will you ship to them in a year?
DescriptionThe description of the number of shipments within the PrePay option (Example: Quarterly Shipments, Monthly Shipments).
SKU On InvoiceThe SKU will appear on the customer's invoice for the PrePay option. Once a customer purchases the PrePay option, it will appear in your Product listing as a PrePay product type under this SKU.
PrePay RateThe Subtotal of all of the combined shipments for this PrePay option.

Best Practice for Prepay Membership Setup

1. Ensure your prepay option is set up first. Check this by navigating to Store > Clubs > Club List > select the prepay club > look at the prepay section > ensure SKUs are in place.

2. In the Club Description, explain the prepay option(s) where the costs are listed. Make sure to note that when a customer signs up, they will pay for the entire set of shipments right away. 

3. If the customer is already signed up for month-to-month payments for the same club, you must manually cancel their membership in the admin panel to proceed.

4. The customer will select the desired Club Membership to purchase. In the Cart page, a Prepay amount needs to be chosen from the Club Options dropdown on the Cart page. When Prepay is selected, WineDirect charges their card when the "Process My Order" button is clicked.

How to add a Club to an External Site

Once you have created your clubs on the admin panel, you might want to create a club page on the front end of an external website (a site that is not created inside of WineDirect) to showcase your clubs and allow customers to sign up.

To add the club you just set up to your external site, you need to link the marketing URL for the club to a button, text or image of your choice. This is the same as hyperlinking to text or image.  

The marketing URL (in the 'Marketing' tab on the club setup screen) is /clubs/LC-Club. Your marketing URL will be different, so make sure you copy and paste correctly. Also important, you need to have a "/" before your marketing URL; otherwise, the link will break. If you forget the '/,' you will receive a 404 error page or web browser error message.

Club Setup - FAQs

How long will PrePay members retain their privileges?

Once the last shipment for the PrePay membership is processed, the PrePay membership will be cancelled. As a result, the membership privileges associated with the account will be lost. If you ship quarterly, you will want to make it clear to your customers that this means their membership during the 4th quarter (not necessarily after 1 year).

Can I have a unique welcome email for each club?

Yes. WineDirect has one default club signup confirmation email. However, you may create new general email documents, and select those from the 'Email' field of the general information area when setting up the club. If you do not see the email drop down option you will need to reach out to support to have that enabled.

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