FAQ: Misc
  • 01 Oct 2024
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FAQ: Misc

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What are my options for support? How do I get customer support for my website?

The best way to get support help is to email us at support@winedirect.com. You can also call us at:

  • US & Canada: 800-819-0325 option 1
  • Australia: 1800 312 884 or 08 7100 1413

Do you have any plug-ins for financial reporting (i.e., QuickBooks)?

WineDirect does not have any integration with financial systems. You can download your sales reports from WineDirect and import them into your financial system. For a more automated process, WineDirect could create a custom report for you (we charge $185/hr for custom programming) or you could have an outside programmer build a connection from your financial system to our webservices detailed.

If you’d like a custom report, email support@winedirect.com and provide the format the financial system requires for us to quote on the programming required.

How do I connect my sales to QuickBooks?

You can use either (a)third party app or (b)manually transfer your sales information from WineDirect to QuickBooks.

a) QuickBooks offers a marketplace where you can purchase and download third party apps. There are a LOT of apps to choose from and specifically you can pick apps to import sales information from ecommerce companies to QuickBooks. 

  • Some of our clients have used the app Transaction Pro Importer. The custom report is already built for this so there is no fee from WineDirect to turn this on. Please email support@WineDirect.com to notify us to turn this report on for you.

Note: We do not provide training for support for any third party apps (i.e. how to get it working, or how to fix a problem if it’s not working). You will get support directly from the app company, not WineDirect.

Note: This app does not support WineDirect's partial refund functionality. If you use this app to export orders to QuickBooks you cannot use the partial refund tools.

b) You are able to create a manual journal entry into QuickBooks (you could do this per day, week, month, etc.).

I want to add QR codes to my Labels and Shelf Talkers. What do I need to know?

  1. You will want to create your pages and QR codes once you site has gone live. If you site is currently in development (URL: https://yourdomainname.vin65dev.com) we recommend waiting until your website is launched as your QR codes will change when .vin65dev is removed from your marketing URLs.
  2. If you have a mobile website as well the QR code link will break if you try to link to a website content page. This happens because when a person accesses your website on their smart phone they will automatically be redirected to the mobile site. So if you have a mobile website as well you will want create the pages under your mobile content editor, not the website. This does not apply to product QR codes which will automatically direct a customer to the mobile product page.

Are WineDirect clients billed monthly for the admin panel or each sale (does WineDirect charge a percentage of sales)?

All of our clients are billed monthly for the admin panel.

You can sell as much, or as little as you’d like through the WineDirect platform and any additional charges would likely be from any supplementary support/training beyond the initial two hours of free training.

What is a QR code, and why/where should I use it?

A QR code (short for Quick Response) is a specific matrix barcode (or two-dimensional code), readable by dedicated QR barcode readers and camera phones.

QR codes have become more prevalent in marketing circles and have been integrated into both traditional and interactive campaigns. Media where QR codes have been deployed include: billboard ads, guerrilla marketing campaigns, in-store displays, event ticketing and tracking, trade-show management, business cards, print ads, contests, direct mail campaigns, websites, email marketing, and couponing just to name a few.

Can a URL parameter be added to auto-populate the "Source" field on reports, clubs, etc.?

There are 4 different query parameters that can be added to a marketing URL to auto-populate different Source fields:

&contactSourceCode=YourContactSourceCode - This parameter will auto-populate the Source field on the General tab of a customer record.

&orderSourceCode=YourSourceCodeName - This parameter will auto-populate the Source field for orders which will appear on select sales reports.

&clubSourceCode=YourClubSourceName - This parameter will auto-populate the Source field which appears in club member’s contact folder, which also appears on the club member report.

&promoCode=YourPromoCode - This parameter will automatically add a promo code to an order that is placed.

If you are only using a single parameter your marketing URL will resemble the following:
(/index.cfm? will appear before the first parameter, additionally you will not need the ‘&’ on the first entry).


Additional parameters can be added to the string with an ‘&’ in between, for example:

Yes. You would add the following script to the end of your link URL:

/index.cfm?method=cart.addToCart&productSKU=XXXXX (where XXXXX is the productSKU) This will add a single product to your cart.

Example: https://www.pinewines.com/index.cfm?method=cart.addToCart&productSKU=Merlot

To add more than one bottle you will include:

&Quantity=X (where X is your quantity, I.E. 12)

Example: https://www.pinewines.com/index.cfm?method=cart.addToCart&productSKU=Merlot&Quantity=12


If you are using the new checkout editor, add V2 to the script after cart. 

Example: https://www.pinewines.com/index.cfm?method=cartV2.addToCart&productSKU=Merlot


Are you interested in linking your point of sale (POS) system with WineDirect's e-commerce platform?

We offer webservices, also called an ‘API,’ for contacts and orders for POS systems to connect to.

How to Connect: Your POS system will need to build an integration to WineDirect’s webservices.

Are any reservation systems compatible with WineDirect?

WineDirect has worked with two different companies, VinoVisit (www.vinovisit.com) and Cellar Pass (www.cellarpass.com), both companies work well within WineDirect’s platform. Here are a few articles on the two companies:

  1. VinoVisit PR: http://www.prweb.com/releases/2010/01/prweb3408234.htm
  2. PDF on VinoVisit: http://ww1.prweb.com/prfiles/2009/11/04/2391744/VinoVisitOverview9.09.pdf
  3. Cellar Pass info: https://www.cellarpass.com/Winery-Learn-More.aspx

They're called sitelinks and are automatically generated by Google, so they will display if Google wants them to display. 


Why do I get logged out of the WineDirect platform?

After 20 minutes of not clicking within the WineDirect admin panel, for security purposes the system will time out.

How do I set up my Order number to be higher than 1001?

WineDirect by default starts your first order number at 1001. You will need to import a "dummy" order to set the order numbers to where you want them. You would do this with the Order History Importer found under Settings > Import/Export > Order History Importer. Below is an explanation:

For example: If you wanted all of your order numbers to start at 5000, you would first want to run this Order History Import. Fill in the information on the excel file with the order number (in this example it would be 5000), the date you imported it and the order type as AdminPanel. You will only need to fill in those three fields. Once the order history file has been imported, the rest of your orders that come in from website purchases and admin panel orders will automatically be entered as 5001, 5002, 5003, etc.

    *Please Note: Once you have set the Order Number with the Order History Importer, there is no way to enter in orders with a lower Order Number via the website or the Admin Panel. The only way to enter in orders with a lower number would be to do a manual Order Import or an Order History Import.

How do I secure my forms on my website?

By default, there are several pages where your SSL certificate automatically applies. This includes club member sign up forms, website purchases, etc.

If you have a form that contains sensitive information and you want to secure it you can force the SSL mode on any page of your site. You would add '?forceSSL=1' to the end of the marketing URL of your form. For example, to make https://www.pinewines.com/contact-us have SSL mode applied to it you would make the URL https://www.pinewines.com/contact-us?forceSSL=1.

If your webpage does not use a marketing URL and uses a standard page ID string such as https://www.pinewines.com/index.cfm?method=products.productDrilldown&productid=83f962e8-c7e0-fa7a-6ff8-497c9c959a05&pageID=6628ff23-1e0b-4e34-f035-1f97010b6ac8&sortBy=DisplayOrder&, you would want to add '&forceSSL=1' at the end.

Is it possible to run the WineDirect platform on two tabs or two windows of the same browser?

EFFECTIVE Oct 1st, 2024, when a new duplicate tab is opened, you will be notified of the double tab with an alert message and the new tab will be automatically closed. This new mechanism was created to detect and close duplicate tabs to enhance system integrity and prevent data loss, especially during club season. When multiple tabs are open there is a high chance of information from one tab also populating into another tab, changing the order or contact information.

The purpose of this feature update is:

  • Error Prevention: Helps users avoid potential data loss and duplication errors, ensuring the integrity of their work.
  • Enhance System Performance: By automatically closing duplicate tabs, unnecessary resource usage is reduced, helping to maintain optimal performance and improve the overall user experience. 
  • Improve User Experience: Users are informed of duplicate tab closures with a clear, non-intrusive banner at the top of the original tab, providing transparency without distraction.  

What time zone does WineDirect use, and can I change this?

Within North America (US & Canada) the WineDirect Platform runs in PST (Pacific Standard Time).
Within Australia & New Zealand the WineDirect Platform runs in AEST (Australian Eastern Standard Time).
Tthese settings cannot be adjusted and there are no additional time zones that are available.

What minimum Internet speed should I have to operate the admin panel and POS?

After recording some data and looking at our stats across all servers it shows we use just as much upload bandwidth as download.

  • Minimum bandwidth = 5mbits upload/download
  • Recommended bandwidth = 25mbits upload/download

These minimum stats are for general to moderate use on 1-3 iPads. A stronger connection stronger than 25mbits upload/download is recommended for high volume tasting rooms with a number of additional iPads or Chrome desktop stations.

How do I find an order or charge that was disputed?

Usually in a charge dispute, you will be provided the amount, the date and the last four digets of the credit card number. To find the order, you can run a report with the correct date range. One of the following reports should be able to help you:

  • Sales Detail
  • Sales By Date
  • Payment Report

Within the excel sheet, you can search for the last four digits of the credit card number. Note that the amount does not match up 100% of the time. WineDirect is unsure why this is so it's better to search by the credit card number than the order amount.

What's the best way to reach technical support?

You can add a ticket from the WineDirect admin panel by clicking the support tab, emailing us at support@WineDirect.com, or calling us at 800-819-0325 option 1 for North America, Direct line in the U.S 707-890-6633 (Australia: 1800 256 526). We're happy to help!

When you submit a ticket to the WineDirect support team - there are some things you can do to ensure your questions get answered super fast and thoroughly.

  1. How can we reach you? Leave your email address and/or phone number
  2. What issue are you encountering? Details please.
  3. How did you side-step or hack the problem to continue working? If the issue has completely stopped you in your tracks - let us know that first!
  4. What were you doing exactly when the issue happened? Can you supply the chain of events - or the path you took before the issue arose?
  5. If you have files, screenshots, or any other attachment - please email us at support@WineDirect.com

How do I prevent my browser from auto-filling form field data?

When you find data being auto populated into WineDirect forms and fields the issue may lie within your browser settings rather than the WineDirect platform itself. Keep in mind, our tools do not autofill data. Here are a few resources to help you change the autofill settings in either Chrome or Firefox (the two browsers we suggest using the most). 

Chrome - This link will help you manage the autofill settings in all types of the Chrome Browser. Scroll to the bottom of the link and find the section titled "Turn Off Autofill" for specific instructions. 

Firefox - This link will help you manage the autofill settings in the Firefox computer based browser. Scroll to the section "Prevent Firefox from storing form entries" for specific instructions. 

How do I send sensitive data securley to WineDirect with WineDirect's PGP Public Key?

If instructed by one of our support reps, download the WineDirect PGP Public key from the link below to encrypt sensitive data before sending to WineDirect. You will need a PGP program to import this key and perform the encryption of the data. If you need assistance with PGP, please contact your IT department or local IT provider for assistance.

Before sending encrypted data to WineDirect ensure you have made arrangements with our client services team to send the data and we are ready to receive it.  

Link to download: WineDirect Public PGP Key

The URL to upload the data once encrypted is: https://www.hightail.com/u/vin65

Why would I get a System Error page?

Occasionally you may encounter a System Error in WineDirect that causes the application to malfunction.

While we strive to never have these errors occur, we do fix them as quickly as possible when they arise.

There are some common actions that have caused this error in the past, and if you are encountering a System Error you may try to log in again and alter your actions to prevent the error from occurring again.

Here are some of the actions that have caused this error in the past:

  • Uploading an attachment or file incompatible with the desired type, e.g., a bmp photo instead of a .jpg or .png, or an .eps file instead of a PDF.
  • Numerical Values using comma or period separators, e.g. 1,0 instead of 1.0 or vice versa.
  • Text or values longer, shorter or incompatible with the entry field. For example:
    a.   An 11 digit phone number when the maximum is 10;
    b.   A text description with unexpected or special characters;
    c.   Text is longer than the maximum characters permitted.
  • Using a non supported browser. We support Google Chrome or FireFox to access your Admin Panel and we support Chrome or the IOS app for POS.
  • Website timeout. Try logging back into WineDirect and re-attempt your actions.

If you encounter an error and any of these examples relate to your situation, please log back in and retry your action with the correct file or data entry.



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