ShipCompliant / Sovos
  • 12 Jun 2024
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ShipCompliant / Sovos

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Article summary


If you have a ShipCompliant account, please fill out the form below. Ensure you give us the 'web service' username and password, not a regular login username and password. Here's an example of what we need:

  • Username:
  • Password: Services123

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How It Works

The order is checked for Compliance when an order is placed from the WineDirect platform (from the website, mobile device, POS, or admin panel), i.e., Using your web service username and password; the WineDirect platform accesses your ShipCompliant account to ensure the order meets current compliance laws. From here, the order can either be verified as compliant or be found to be non-compliant per your ShipCompliant setup.

Compliant Orders

A compliant order will then complete the payment process you have set up with your payment gateway, either Authorize (if you get paid when you ship) or Capture (if you take the money before sending the product). If you self-fulfill, the order goes to your WineDirect admin panel, and it's a finished order; you need to send that order. If you're using a fulfillment center, the fulfillment center will have access to the charges in your ShipCompliant account and automatically flow to that fulfillment center.

Non-Compliant Orders (aka Quarantined Orders).

A non-compliant order will also complete the payment process you have set up with your payment gateway, either Authorize (if you get paid when you ship) or Capture (if you take the money before sending the product). WineDirect calls non-compliant orders Quarantined orders; an order can be quarantined for many reasons. If this happens, the website administrator will receive an email whenever a Quarantined order enters your system. You can access these orders through 2 main areas in WineDirect:

1. WineDirect Dashboard Alerts - Orders flagged as Quarantine will be listed in your WineDirect dashboard alert messages. Example: "You have two quarantine order(s)."

Clicking on this alert will automatically take you to the Store > Orders section that has already been sorted only to display the orders currently in Quarantine so that you can review the compliance failure reasons and address the demands. 

2. Store > Orders Section - Alternatively, you can go directly to Store > Orders and change the Status drop-down to Quarantine.

The 'Compliance' tab within an order will show the message directly from ShipCompliant. This message explains why the order did not pass the compliance check. If you need assistance deciphering the news, you may need to contact ShipCompliant client services at

To rectify the order, there is an Edit Order button to change the order's billing or shipping information and products. Once you're fixed the compliance' error,' you can choose the appropriate Compliance Status: action in the drop-down menu, then hit Process. The options are:

Retry Compliance (and Submit Order)This will again check the order for Compliance and re-send the order information to ShipCompliant.
Retry Compliance - Ignore Address Errors (and Submit Order)This will again check the order for Compliance, ignoring any address errors.
Force Compliance into Compliance System (Bypass Compliance and Submit Order)This will force the order through ShipCompliant if you want to process it regardless of the compliance issue.
Void ComplianceThis will void the compliance check if you are canceling the payment. This will prevent the order from going to ShipCompliant.
Ignore Compliance Submit/Complete OrderThis will not send the order to ShipCompliant and ignore the compliance message.


If you have a ShipCompliant account, you can use their zip code tax rate calculator. The benefit of using this is that your tax rates come in automatically for each zip code. The downfall to this is if you're selling non-wine products (shirts, hats, etc.) it must use the ShipCompliant tax rates, which are tax rates for wines (this is only an issue if the zip code has a different tax rate for non-wine items than the wine tax rate). Please Note: If you are using Taxes by zip code from ShipCompliant, you will not see the tax rates populated in the WineDirect platform (State Profile). 

California Redemption Value (CRV) Collection

IMPORTANT NOTE: The CRV only applies to orders where the shipping or pick-up location is in California

What is the California Redemption Value (CRV)?

CRV, or California Redemption Value, is a cash fee that consumers pay for each beverage container made from Aluminum, Plastic, or Glass. This program collects 5 cents for containers less than 24 ounces and 10 cents for containers over 24 ounces. This money is used to encourage the recycling of beverage containers and is administered by the California Department of Resources, Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle). Consumers can return their empty bottles and cans to certified recycling centers.

Different order totals in WineDirect and ShipCompliant

Order totals in WineDirect will show the CRV collected, but the CRV amount will not be visible within the ShipCompliant portal. An example of this would be an order shipped to California with 12 750mL glass wine bottles will have a $1.20 higher order value in WineDirect than what is shown in ShipCompliant.

As the adaptation of the CRV in ecommerce continues, WineDirect will update users with further information regarding our partnership with ShipCompliant.

Connect with WineDirect

If you already use ShipCompliant, you may need to set up a 'Web Service' account. The below form is not for your ShipCompliant account credentials but for your Web Service Account details.

If you don't know what should go in this form, set up your Web Service account in ShipCompliant by following our step-by-step instructions.

** Password must be no longer than 12 characters. **


When we update something in Ship Compliant, will it be automatically fed to the WineDirect state profile section, or will I need to update the state profiles as well?

You’ll still want to manage your ‘hard no’ states in WineDirect separately from ShipCompliant; a hard no means that they can’t purchase from that state at all (i.e. Utah). Even though a Utah order won’t pass through ShipCompliant, you still want them to be stopped before they purchase. You need to manage this separately.

Any states that are compliant but may have dry counties or crazy compliance rules like Texas’s volume per date range, you’ll leave as compliant in the WineDirect system and ShipCompliant will catch any compliance issues after the order has been placed. You’ll then address the ‘quarantine’ issue so that you can still send the order (i.e. splitting the order into two if it’s too large).

Do I need to put any information in the State Profile?

For Compliance it is still best to mark non-compliant states as No. If you are using Tax Rates by zip code from ShipCompliant, you will want to populate a default tax rate for your compliant states. This will insure that in the event ShipCompliant does not have a specific zip code in their database your customer will still be charged taxes. If the state profile is left blank you may receive the occasional order placed without paying taxes.

I am using a Ship Compliant account; how does my tracking information return to the WineDirect platform?

Option#1 Manual: Shipping tracking information can be added to orders manually (via Shipping tab on an order) or by excel import (Order Tacking Import) onto the WineDirect Platform. Use this option if you will be self fulfilling and not be uploading tracking numbers to Ship Compliant.

Option#2 Automatic: If you are using a integrated fulfillment house who uploads tracking numbers to Ship Compliant then the WineDirect platform will automatically search for and download tracking numbers from Ship Compliant following these criteria:

  1. The WineDirect Platforms will check for orders at fulfillment every 4 hours starting at 6:30am ending at 6:30pm 7 days a week.
  2. The WineDirect Platform will check for all orders that are:
    a. Either submitted or completed
    b. Are marked as “Sent to fulfillment”
    c. Are not greater than 30 days old.

Please Note: WineDirect can configure your website to use the automatic option however we will need your Webservices API Account information.

How should my bottle sizes be set up?

Your bottle sizes should be setup numerically (750) not alphanumerically (750ml) on the WineDirect platform. Ship Compliant uses numeric sizes only. These can be adjusted manually from Store > Products > Wine Bottle Sizes or automatically when using the Product Importer. Data is passed between the WineDirect platform and Ship Compliant, so products should have the same settings to avoid errors.

If I use the Ship Compliant tax integration to pull tax rates, how do I set my products to be tax-exempt?

Taxes will be charged once the zip code has been entered into the billing page. For products that you wish to be tax exempt you will want to adjust these product individually on the “Manage SKUs” tab within each product. Under the advanced settings there is a check box “Is NonTaxable”. Products marked as non taxable will not be checked by Ship Compliant.

I tried to force my order into Compliance but failed to make it to ShipCompliant. What's happening?

Certain compliance failures are known as "Hard Failures", in that they are critical mistakes that prevent ShipCompliant from working with the order's information. The Force Compliance command would not get the order into ShipCompliant in this case.

Most of the time, this is because either the order has a SKU in it that is not yet in ShipCompliant, or ShipCompliant is missing required information. For example, like a valid billing email address.

Where can I find the reason for my order's compliance failure?

You can find the compliance failure message by opening up the Quarantined Order and navigating to the SC Compliance tab. There you will find a list of time stamps detailing when compliance was checked on this order. Click on the Message button next to the failed compliance check to read the error message. A failed compliance check will have "No" next to it in its Success box.

Can orders be edited without causing issues with ShipCompliant?

Orders should not be edited. Best practice is to refund the order and process a new order with new information. If an order is edited it causes issues with ShipCompliant which will result in tracking numbers not being pulled into edited order.

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