ShipCompliant Integration Setup with EasyShip
  • 12 Jun 2024
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ShipCompliant Integration Setup with EasyShip

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Article summary

Many of our satisfied clients have found great success with utilizing third-party fulfillment and the solutions offered by ShipComplaint. Some of our clients also have a connection to EasyShip setup inside of their WineDirect platform to make order tracking from UPS flow easily. If you never heard of EasyShip, you just need to know it is an integration between WineDirect ecommerce and UPS. It makes order tracking information go from UPS → EasyShip → WineDirect .

For this reason, ensuring a integration is setup between ShipCompliant and WineDirect Ecommerce will make order tracking and the flow of information between these 3 platforms easier. So, how can you setup ShipCompliant so that your ecommerce store in WineDirect send the tracking from EasyShip to ShipCompliant? Following the steps below. 

Integration Setup Steps

Here are the steps to ensure your WineDirect ecommerce store is connected with ShipCompliant so it receives EasyShip information.  

  1. You need to go to Settings > Users > Webservice Accounts
  2. Create an account for ShipCompliant. For your webservice account, you can just come up with any username and password.
  3. You will then need to make a webservice account on ShipCompliant with the same exact credentials as step 2 (username and password). IMPORTANT --> The inputted credentials should be the exact same on both ends - ShipCompliant and WD Ecommerce. 
  4. You will then need to make sure that ShipCompliant has the EasyShip Integration enabled on their end for your account.

Connection Not Working?

Are you not sure if the EasyShip integration is enabled on ShipCompliant? 

If you need help from ShipCompliant, you can contact them through the phone number - 303-996-2356. 

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