FAQ: Clubs
  • 31 Mar 2023
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FAQ: Clubs

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Article summary

I processed a club shipment, but no order confirmation email was sent.

The Order Confirmation system email is not automatically sent when you process club orders. You will have to manually send this confirmation out.

Club members' credit cards failed in the past, it's the correct card, but I can't process it. What is the issue?

It could be the credit card security, the company may be thinking it’s a fraudulent charge (or their credit card could be stolen). The club members can call their credit card company and see why it’s being declined. It could also be that they are past their limit on their card.

Can I set different frequencies for clubs?

In order to set up a club with frequency options, you'll need to set up separate clubs for each frequency option and provide links to each. For example, Wine Club #1 has three frequency options - month to month, every other month, and quarterly shipments. This means you will have to create 3 separate clubs for each type of option.

If you want to set it up so that the customer pays for the first month and then is a continuous wine club member with continuous shipments, then you will need to add a welcome package.

I have set an alternate shipping address as "Primary" why doesn't this address appear in club shipments?

The "Primary" address only applies to online orders. When a customer logs into the website their billing information and primary shipping address will auto-populate for them when placing orders.

Shipping addresses for club memberships must be set on the Clubs Tab in the club member's contact file. The Ship To: address will be the shipping address that club processing will use.

Is there a reminder system that automatically emails customers when their prepaid period is coming up for renewal?

At this time we don’t have a feature to send an auto email to prepay memberships that are ending.

You can set up a reminder in your system to email yourself on a specific day (either on or close the last shipment for that club member). Then you can be reminded to call or email that club member.

When I do club processing, will their discount be applied if I set up a deal for my club?

In club processing, no discounts are applied, you will need to manually assign the price to each product before you add the product to the club package.

When processing a club, what is a "Non-Authorized" member?

A non-authorized member is any member that has not had their club shipment processed. So initially all members within the shipment will be non-authorized, as you process the shipment and orders are completed successfully this number will decrease. If you have members with expired credit cards they will be non-authorized until you address update their information an try processing the shipment again.

When choosing the shipping type for club processing, the style isn't available for a state; what should I do? (i.e., Ground for HI and AK)

If there are club members in the club but won’t get the correct shipping, they need to either create a new shipping type that has the correct shipping (aka if they are using ‘ground’ copy ground but call it ‘club’ and add AK and HI to it). This will send an incorrect code to fulfillment if they are using a fulfillment center.

The other option would be to put the AK or HI club members into a separate club and process them separately.

How do I delete a club?

Once a club has been created, it cannot be deleted if there are any active, on hold or cancelled members associated with it.  In order to delete a club permanently, you would need to remove all existing active, on hold and cancelled members so that there are a total of zero members associated with the club.  

Alternatively, if you wish to preserve the associated member data historically, you could archive the club by inactivating it.  Please uncheck the IS ACTIVE and the DISPLAY ON WEB settings under STORE > CLUB > CLUB LIST and save your changes.  

Please Note: Before archiving a club, it is recommended that you mark all members in that club as cancelled.  The most efficient means to bulk cancel your members, especially if you have a large club that you are sunsetting would be to use the club member importer tool.

How do I add a new Club Member to an existing Club Processing Shipment? Their name is not showing up; what do I do?

The solution would be to adjust the Qualification Date in the Club Processing Shipment. The Qualification Date is designed to allow only club members who are active as of that date to be added to the shipment.

For example if the Qualification Date is June 1st and I joined your Club on June 11th, I do not qualify for the shipment unless the Qualification Date is June 11th.

  1. To allow your new club member to become part of that shipment you can go into the Club Processing tool > go into the Club Shipment that you want to add this club member to.
  2. Now change the Qualification Date to be on their signup date or sometime after their sign up date.
  3. Next you can go to the Club Members tab and at the top you will see a message saying how many club members can be added to this shipment. If you only want to add one club member then click on the blue link saying "View member(s)". If you want to add all members click on the blue link saying "Add member(s) to this package"
  4. If you click on "View member(s)" a new window will open, look for the club member name and check the box beside it. Now scroll to the bottom to hit "Add to Package".

They have now been added to the shipment and are ready to be processed.

How can I print a list of the club members whose orders were declined in my club shipment?

You will want to print the list from the Club Processing batch that you ran. If you ran more than one club processing batch you will need to run the report in each of them. To print the list please follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to Store > Clubs > Club Processing.
  2. Open the batch that you wish to print a declined order report for.
  3. Go to the Members tab within your batch.
  4. Using the View All  drop down, select Declined (May incl. Expired) and click the Magnifying Glass to sort for declined members.
  5. Click the Download icon in the upper right of the Members screen to download the list.

* If you have processed more that one batch repeat these steps for each club processing batch.

Can a gift card be used to pay for a prepaid club membership?

No. Club memberships are not sold as a product in the Vin65 platform. For this reason they use a different signup porcess as opposed to the stardard checkout process. At this time gift cards cannot be applied during signup to pay for a prepay membership.

Why can't I delete a Credit Card attached to a canceled Club Membership?

To delete the credit card you would need to delete the membership instead of just cancelling it.  Since the Membership still exists, it would need a credit card to exist.  For the most part, you can just cancel the membership and the customer will be okay with the card still recorded on file.  However, if you have a customer requests for their Credit Card to be removed from their profile, then you would need to delete the Club to delete the Credit Card. 

How can we find which Sales Associate signed up the most Club Members?

We do have Reports that will breakdown which Sales Associate signed up Club Members. You can obtain this list by going to Reports > Club > Club Members. One of the columns will be Sales Associate and using Excel's sort tools you can segregate who was signed up by whom.

Why doesn't Club Signup have a Country field? How can I add it?

The Club Sign Up Form is a system form that is streamlined across all our clients and is not customizable. The reason is since we do not allow international sale, we would assume that the Billing Country is the country that the website is located in.

What is the best process to create usernames and passwords when importing Club Members into vin65?

The best practice for this is to not send the username and password but rather use our Reset password tool. In your email documents, you can tell your customers that they can log in using just their email address. Customers can log in using their email address as username. They can also select Forgot Password even if they never had a password - thus eliminating the need to send username/password combo.

This process is simpler and safer then creating a generic password.

Is it possible to make Prepay Package on Club Signups optional?

No - unfortunately, it is not possible to make this optional. They are required to pay in Order to Sign Up. It creates an Order automatically as soon as they sign up.

For User Choice Clubs, how do I include the personal selection of the wines in the email sent to club members announcing the upcoming shipment?

Unfortunately, you are not able to send Club Selections prior to the Order being processed. When the Order is processed, you can include //ClubBlob// in your Email Receipt and it will list out their selections. This can only be populated and triggered as you are processing your Orders and not before the orders are processed.

How can we generate a report of wine club shipments that have been paid for and not picked up yet? We need to be able to export it to Excel.

You can do this by using our Sales by Date report and adding custom filters to it. Go to Reports > Sales by Date > Pick a Date Range when you processed your Club Shipment > Memorize > Order Type: Only ClubOrder > Shipping Status > Only "Not Picked Up" > Generate Report.

This will generate a list of ClubOrders that has a Shipping Status of Not Picked Up and this report will be in Excel format.

We ran a credit card updater, and our Club Members are emailing us saying they didn't get a new card and are unsure why the update occurred. What should I do?

Whenever a client first run card updater and they run a lot of cards, we get about 2-5% of people that report this is incorrect. The most common cause is that these customers are not aware of the current state of their credit card. It may be compromised and Visa/MasterCard cancelled it and is sending them a card but they are not aware. Or on a joint account, if a spouse gets a new card without telling the other person, our card updater tool will pick up the latest card on their joint Visa/MC account. Or other similar scenarios that will get them a new card without them knowing.

We get the updated card data directly from Visa/Mastercard. It is fed to us through API. If your customer is adamant that the card is not theirs, their best solution is to reach out to their card provider (their bank) and ask what the latest card on their account is. This card should be the one we updated to and their bank will provide the reason why they got a new card.

Is there a way to find expired or declined credit cards to show only Active Club Members?

You would want to create a List using List Builder for the first question. Go to Contacts > List Builder > Add a List > Edit Club Options > Check off Active and Already Expired. This will give you a list of Active Members with Expired Cards.

For Declined Cards, it would be from the Club Processing page. So it would be, Store > Club > Club Processing > Pick the latest Club Shipment > Club Members Tab > Download > Declined (May Include Expired) > Download. This will get you a list of Declined transactions and since they are a part of a Shipment, they will all be Active Club Members.

How can club memberships turn into gift memberships unexpectedly?

If a club member changes the shipping address for their club membership, the Club Membership will be marked as Is A Gift: Yes.

Why did my club members still charge a Handling fee when I removed it?

Handling is based on when the customer signed up for the club. If they signed up when there was a Handling fee, it will continue to charge the club member a handling fee even if that fee is removed from the Club.

Can I use a Product with Product Security enabled in a Welcome Package?

You can but the customer signing up needs to have proper permission to purchase the SKU. Otherwise, the Product with Product Security will be excluded from the Welcome Package order.

Can I rename a senior season to use again with future shipment(s)?

Reusing old user choice seasons will retain the selections made by members the last time members logged in to select their wines from a given season. Changing SKU's on a season that was processed through a shipment in the past, will not clear past saved selection quantities. Therefore, it is recommended that when you are preparing for an upcoming season, that you create a brand new season.

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