FAQ Feature
  • 29 Mar 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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FAQ Feature

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Article summary

The FAQs feature allows you to easily create and manage a Frequently Asked Question section on your website for various common questions your customers ask. Watch the tutorial video and read the following text to learn more about adding FAQs:

Create A FAQ

1. Navigate to Content Editor > Components > FAQs.

2. Click on the green Add an FAQ button.

3. Fill out the Category field and the Order field. The order field determines the order of the FAQ.

4. Fill out the Question field. [Mandatory fields are indicated by an (*) asterisk]

5. Fill out the Answers in the empty field and click Save.

FAQ Categories

1. Navigate to Content Editor > Components > FAQs.

2. On the right-hand panel under FAQ Properties, click on Manage FAQ Features.

3. Click on the green Add an FAQ Category.

4. Fill out the Category field and the Order field. [Mandatory fields are indicated by an (*) asterisk]

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