FedEx Canada Shipping Report
  • 29 Mar 2023
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FedEx Canada Shipping Report

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Article summary

The FedEx Canada Shipping Report is specifically formatted to simplify importing your orders into FedEx.

To access this report in your admin panel, navigate to Reports > Shipping > FedEx Canada Report. The report exports to a . CSV format file which you can then upload to your FedEx online account.

For further information on how to import into FedEx, please get in touch with the FedEx support team at 1.800.Go.FedEx or visit their website.

We have several filters you can use to generate your FedEx Canada Shipment Report on:

  • From Date
  • To Date
  • Status (All Status, Completed, Submitted, Pending, Hold, Cancelled, Quarantined)
  • Type (All Order Types or select Order Types)
  • Format (Excel)

Reports are exported in a CSV format.

FedEx Shipment Report Definitions

Receiver IDThe customer number assigned to each contact (always Blank)
Recipient NameFirst and last name of the customer.
CompanyThe customer's company name.
Address1The customer's shipping street address.
Address2Additional shipping street address information.
CityThe customer's shipping city.
ProvinceThe customer's shipping state.
CountryThe customer's shipping country.
Postal CodeThe customer's postal code
PhoneThe customer's phone number.
Delivery EmailThe customer's email address.
ResidentialIf the shipping address is residential - True OR False.
Delivery InstructionsAdditional instructions for the delivery driver

Description of Goods

The total weight of the order.
Bottle QuantityNumber of bottles in the package
WeightThe total weight of the package
Weight UnitsUnit of measurement for weight
Shipment IDWineDirect Order Number
Shipping MethodWineDirect Shipping Type selected 
OrderDateDate of the order

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