Header & Footer
  • 29 Mar 2023
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Header & Footer

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Article summary

The Header & Footer page allows you to control your logo and add disclaimer information to the footer of your website. Navigate to Settings > Website Editor > Header & Footer to get started.

Logo Options



Click Edit under Logo Options to change or add your website logo. Click to upload an image file as your logo. Once the image has been uploaded successfully, click to Save your changes.


If you are a WineDirect PLUS client, you will see a Kiosk Logo field. The logo uploaded here will be used on your kiosk website. 


  • Your logo can be uploaded in .gif, .jpg, .svg, or .png. The best file type is .png.
  • Recommended logo upload sizes for your template are listed underneath the uploader. The logo you upload will be displayed at half this size on your website to ensure that it's nice and sharp on all screens, even retina displays.
  • It's always better to upload a larger image.


The Favicon is the small image that appears in the tab of a browser when visiting a website, next to the page's title. Adding a custom image makes your website recognizable when a browser has multiple accounts open. Replace our default with your photo to custom your website to your brand.

We would recommend uploading a .ico file when uploading a favicon file. Alternatively, you can upload a .png file instead. 

Don't know how to create a favicon image? Search the internet for a free favicon generator.

Apple Touch Icon

An Apple Touch Icon is the icon on a customer's home screen of an apple tablet or mobile phone if they decide to bookmark your site and add it to their home screen. .png image types are ideal. 

Don't know how to create an apple-touch icon image? Search the internet for a free apple touch icon generator.

Footer Information

The Footer Information text area allows users to add information to the footer of your website. This is an ideal place for our Australian clients to post your ABN and Licence numbers to your site. However, this space can be used for any purpose. Please note that this is a text-only field.

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