Inventory Sold
  • 29 Mar 2023
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Inventory Sold

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Article summary

The inventory sold report is designed to show you a complete breakdown of your Inventory in each pool and the sales at each pool in a given time frame. 

Please note that SKUsthis report will only include with Inventory enabled. If you have sold multiple SKUs throughout the month, but only some have a list allowed, only those listed will show up on the report, while the others will not be captured.

We have several parameters you can use to get the most out of your Inventory sold report:

DepartmentsThe department where the list belongs to.
Order TypesThe type of order. (POS/ AdminPanel/ ClubOrder)
Inventory PoolThe pool where your list is documented.
Date TypeThe kind of date. (Ship Date/ Submitted Date/ Completed Date)
From Date-To DateThe timeframe of the report.

Reports are exported in a CSV format.

Here are the definitions of what will populate your Inventory Sold information.

Product NameName of the product.
Product SKUThe SKU number for the product.
PoolThe Inventory Pool of the products.
Total InventoryThe total amount of products in stock.
SupplierThe supplier of your product.
Re-Order SKUSKU for re-ordering.
Total SoldThe total amount of products sold.

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