Inventory Summary
  • 29 Mar 2023
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Inventory Summary

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Article summary

The inventory summary report is designed to show the current inventory count for each SKU for each inventory pool you hold. You can also reference the out-of-stock messaging settings for each product. 

You can use several filter parameters to find the information you need. Below is a list of each of the filters: 

StatusView All SKUs using inventory or View SKUs with Low Inventory.
TypeSelect to search for Only SKUs with Inventory or All SKUs. If Only SKUs With Inventory are selected, this will report all SKUs selected as Product Uses Inventory in the Product SKUs section. SKUs with an inventory of 0 will still appear. 
PoolSelect the specific Inventory Pool you want to report on or All Pools.
BrandSelect the brand(s) associated with the SKUs that you wish to report on. 
DepartmentYou can select which department to report to if you have Product Departments set up.
CategoryThe website page that an SKU is assigned to.
SKUEnter a specific SKU and. Only see counts for that individual SKU.
ProductEnter a specific product name to see counts for that individual product. 

Reports are exported in a CSV format.

Here are the definitions of what will populate your Inventory Summary report:

Product NameName of the product.
Product SKUThe SKU number for the product.
Department CodeThe code is associated with the department that the product is assigned. 
DepartmentThe Product Department that the product is assigned to. 
Sub Department CodeThe code is associated with the sub-department that the product is assigned to.
Sub DepartmentThe Sub Product Department that the product is assigned to. 
PoolThe inventory pool that the inventory count is from.
InventoryThe inventory count (number of units).
Notification LevelA product must reach the threshold before sending a low inventory notice email.
Stock Option

What the product will do once it reaches a 0 [zero] inventory count. 

  • Deactivate Product
  • Don't Sell [but display a stock message on the website]
  • Back Order [continue to sell the SKU regardless of inventory]

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