Inventory Velocity
  • 29 Mar 2023
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Inventory Velocity

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Article summary

The inventory velocity report reviews the sales of an SKU over the last 30, 60, and 90-day intervals. Based on your current inventory and the deals you have made for the SKU over these time frames, the report approximates the rate at which you will deplete your remaining stock and provides recommended actions (OK, or Replenish) for 30, 60, and 90-day intervals.

We have several parameters you can use to get the most out of your inventory velocity report:

Order StatusThe status of the order. (Submitted/ Completed/ Pending/ Hold/ Cancelled/ Quarantine)
Order TypesThe type of order. (POS/ AdminPanel/ ClubOrder)
Shipping StatusThe quality of the shipment. (NO Status/ Sent To Fulfillment/ Shipped/ etc.)
VendorsThe web services account is integrated with the Vin65 platform.
From Date-To DateThe timeframe of the report.

Reports are exported in a CSV format.

Here are the definitions of what will populate your Inventory Velocity report:

Product NameName of the product.
Product SKUThe SKU number for the product.
ActiveActive products.
On WebsiteProducts listed on the website.
PoolThe Inventory Pool of the product.
Current InventoryThe amount of a product in stock.
Last SaleDate of the previous sale.
Date AddedThe date the product was added.
30 Days/ 60 Days/ 90 DaysThe number of products sold in the last 30/ 60/ 90 days.
Shipped Per DayProducts shipped per day.
Days to ZeroThe number of days until the inventory of the product is depleted to 0.
Current Inventory vs. 60-DayCurrent inventory vs. inventory in 60-day projection.
Current Inventory vs. 90-DayCurrent inventory vs. inventory in 90-day projection.
Recommended ActionIf an inventory is OK or needs replenishment.

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