Manage General
  • 29 Mar 2023
  • 7 Minutes to read
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Manage General

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Article summary

The Manage General section of the contract is the overview of the connectionContact. You can edit their information from this screen, add clubs, create an order, and more. See below for detailed information.


There may or may not be some automatic flags showing when you look at a customer record (an example is shown in the image below). You can create and manage banners under the Manage Notes section of the contacts account. 

General Information

To speed up the form fill process, click into the Address field; as you enter the address information into the area, the platform will dynamically look for relevant matches to the address information you are entering using Google's vast address database. Select the address that matches what you are entering and has the appropriate form fields auto-complete the lesson as much as possible.

If you do not wish to use the address suggestion, click anywhere onscreen other than the address suggestion dropdown.

Customer #The unique customer record number is assigned to the Contact. This is the Vin65 customer number that can be used to look up and reference the Customer. 
Alt ContactIDThe unique customer number is assigned to contacts transferred into Vin65 by web services from alternate POS systems (Oztera, Vin65 RMS, etc.).
First NameThe Customer's/Contact's first name [Billing first name].
Last NameThe Customer's/Contact's last name [Billing last name].
CompanyThe Customer's/Contact's company [Billing company].
EmailThe Customer's/Contact's email address [Billing email address]. This is no longer required to save a contact/customer in the Vin65 platform. 
+ Add Email AddressAdd a secondary email address to receive transactional emails for this account. 

The Customer's/Contact's address information [Billing address]. Typically full address, including street and house number.

When you enter the address information into the address field, the platform will dynamically look for relevant matches to the address information you are entering using Google's vast address database. Select the address that matches what you are entering and has the appropriate form fields auto-complete the lesson as much as possible. If you do not wish to use the address suggestion, click anywhere onscreen other than the address suggestion dropdown.

Address 2The Customer's/Contact's additional address information [Billing address 2]. Typically unit number, apartment number, or other address details.
CityThe Customer's/Contact's city [Billing city].
StateThe Customer's/Contact's state or province [Billing state or province].
ZipThe Customer's/Contact's zip code or postal code [Billing zip code or postal code].
CountryThe Customer's/Contact's country [Billing country].
PhoneThe Customer's/Contact's main phone number, either home or business [Billing phone number].
Birth DateThe Customer's/Contact's birth date [Billing birth date].
MobileThe Customer's/Contact's mobile phone number. This will allow you to contact the Customer using text messages. This field is only available when using the Text Message tools.
Email Statuses

The type of email status that the Contact currently holds:

  • Double Opt-In: Contact has checked the "Opt-In" checkbox either in their online Profile, during Checkout, on a Club Signup, or from a POS receipt and has clicked the double opt-in link from the automatic opt-in email they received.
  • Single Opt-In: Contact has checked the "Opt-In" checkbox in their online Profile, during Checkout, on a Club Signup, or from a POS receipt. A single opt-in has not yet clicked the double opt-in link in the automatic system email sent to them after opting in.
  • Purchaser: The Contact has placed an order with the winery or has signed up for a club membership. 
  • Cleaned: The Contact's email address has been checked and verified as valid through the Clean List function.
  • Blank: Contact's email address has not been checked and verified as valid through the Clean List function.
  • 10 X Soft Bounce: The last 10+ emails sent to the Contact have soft bounced.
  • 2 X Hard Bounce: The last two emails sent to the Customer have hard bounced.
  • Unsubscribe: The Contact has clicked the unsubscribe link in an email document to opt out of receiving emails. 
SMS Permission

The Customer's/Contact's text message opt-in status: 

  • Not Set - The Contact has not opted in or out of receiving text messages. This is the default SMS Permission. 
  • Opt-In - Contact has opted into receiving text messages.
  • Opt-Out - The Contact has opted out of receiving text messages.
  • Stopped - The Contact has opted out of receiving text messages at the cellular carrier level. This is done by texting STOP to your text message phone number. The only way the Contact will get back on at the carrier level is to text YES to your number.
  • Wrong Number - The number is an invalid mobile number or is no longer in service.
PhotoYou can upload a photo of your Customer. Ideally, 100px X 100px. It must be a JPG.
Photo From

You can indicate where the image came from:

  • Upload/Avatar
  • FBProfile (Facebook Profile Picture)
  • Twitter
UsernameThe Customer's/Contact's/Club Member's username, which the Customer uses to access their online account and edit details.
PasswordThe Customer's/Contact's/Club Member's password, which the Customer uses to access their online account and edit details.


Allows you to enter the Contact's Facebook account number to pull in their profile picture.

  • Example: 212950460079
  • By taking the URL for the Contact's Facebook account, you can use a website like to obtain the personal numeric id for their account to pull in their Facebook profile picture (If their URL already includes the number rather than a friendly URL like JohnSmith, then use that number). The image will appear as a broken icon if you do not use the ID number.
TwitterAllows you to enter the Contact's Twitter account information to pull in their profile picture.
Source CodeA free form field that allows you to store additional information or a code to track customers using Customer List Report.
Sales AssociateAllows you to enter the Sales Associate that entered the contact record. For more information, see the Sales Associate Documentation.
Do Not CallThis check box allows you to remove this Contact from the telesales tools from WineDirect Outbound so that they are not added to a campaign.
Update Name/Email on 46Brix MembershipThis check box will update the Contact's 46Brix Membership. The email is tied to the Membership, so if the email changes and you do not edit it, they can no longer purchase the 46Brix benefits.


The Statistics section is an overview of your Customer and will show their status, 46Brix Membership, LTV, average Order, and more.

Contact Status

An automatic tracking flis attached to customers/contacgivesive you a better idea of what sort of Customer the person is. Statuses include: 

  • Prospect - A contract that has not yet had an order. 
  • 1stTimeCustomer - A customer that has had a single order with you. 
  • RepeatCustomer - A customer that has had two or more orders with you.
  • ClubMember - A customer that is holding a club membership.

The status is set/refreshed once per day.


A customer's 46Brix membership status or membership expiration date. Statuses include: 

  • Not a member. Attach a Membership - The Customer does not yet have a 46Brix membership. If you are hosting multiple websites offering the plan, you can attach the Customer's Membership from another site by clicking this text and entering their membership number [Member #].
  • Expires: - The Customer currently holds a 46brix membership, which will list the current Membership's expiry date. To cancel the Membership click on the expiry date and enter the date that you want the Membership to expire on [default is one year from the date of purchase]. You will want to check Do Not Auto Renew so the canceled Membership does not reactivate and charge the Customer. 
  • Not Participating in 46Brix - You are not currently a participating 46Brix winery.
Member# SupposeThe account number will be listed here if a customer has a 46Brix membership; Us; uses the number to add their 46Brix Membership to other participating websites. 
Life Time Value (LTV)The total value of all orders that the Customer has placed with you. [Updates dynamically when a new order is placed]
Avg OrderThe average value of a single order is based on all the charges the Customer has placed. 
Last LoginThe last time the customer/contact logged into your website. [Updates dynamically when a customer logs into your website]
Last OrderThe value and date of the last Order placed for the Customer. [Updates dynamically when a new order is placed]
# of OrdersA total number of orders that the Customer has placed with you. [Updates dynamically when a new order is placed]
Twitter, Facebook, Instagram

These fields will conditionally show when the Contact has a publicly available social media account on one of the following channels:

  • Twitter
  • Facebook
  • Instagram

See the number of followers the Customer has for each account and jump directly to their social media page by clicking on their account name.

Club Memberships

The Club Memberships section will show some clubs that the Contact belongs to. Click Add Club Membership from this section to add a new club membership. To manage an existing club, you will want to click on the Manage Club Memberships section on the right-hand menu.

Order History

This section will show recent orders that the Contact has placed. Click Create Order from this section to add a new order. To see their demands, you will want to click on the Manage Store section on the right-hand menu.


This section will show some tasks that are assigned to this Contact. You can complete the existing studies and edit or remove the Task. Click Add Task to create a new job for this contact record.

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