Manage Shipping Addresses
  • 29 Mar 2023
  • 4 Minutes to read
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Manage Shipping Addresses

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Article summary

The Shipping Addresses section allows you to view and add additional shipping addresses for a contact. Any shipping addresses added by the Customer online or an admin user will be stored under this tab. These alternative addresses can be assigned to Club Memberships (usually, these addresses are used for Gift Memberships). Other uses for these different addresses may be used for the admin panel, website, or POS orders.

Add/Edit Shipping Address

To add a new address, click on the Add an Address button or the Edit button to edit an existing address. This will let you create or edit a shipping address.

1. Go to Contacts > select a specific contact, and under Contact Properties, select Manage Shipping Addresses.

2. Click Add An Address.

3. Fill out the address fields. To speed up the form fill process, click into the Address field; as you enter the address information, the platform will dynamically look for relevant matches to the address information you are entering using Google's vast address database. Select the address that matches what you are entering and has the relevant form fields auto-complete the address as much as possible.

If you do not wish to use the address suggestion, click anywhere onscreen other than the address suggestion dropdown.

4. Click Save.

Below is a list of the properties that are editable for a customer's Shipping Addresses:

Actions (Copy Billing Address)If you wish to copy the existing billing address for a customer into the open fields when adding a new shipping address, you may do so by clicking Copy Billing Address.
NicknameAllows users to designate a Nickname to a shipping address. The nickname will display above the address's Contact name on the Addresses tab. This is useful for contacts with multiple shipping addresses or wineries who 'gift' Club Memberships. Example nicknames may include: Work, Vacation Home, Uncle Bob, For Club, or any other keyword that may help identify what the address entry is for.
PrimaryA shipping address marked as Primary will automatically be used as the shipping address when a customer logs into the website to make a website order. This functions similarly to billing information that auto-populates when a customer logs in. If no primary address is selected, customers can choose between existing alternate shipping addresses or enter a new one.
*First Name

The Customer's/Contact's first name [Shipping first name]. Required.

*Last Name

The Customer's/Contact's first name [Shipping last name]. Required.


The Customer's/Contact's company [Shipping company]. Required.

*EmailThe Customer's/Contact's email address [Shipping email address]. This is required to save a contact shipping address in the Vin65 platform. If the Customer does not have an email address, enter a unique false email (such as

The Customer's/Contact's address information [Shipping address]. Typically full address, including street and house number.

When you enter the address information into the address field, the platform will dynamically look for relevant matches to the address information you are entering using Google's vast address database. Select the address that matches what you are entering and has the appropriate form fields auto-complete the lesson as much as possible. If you do not wish to use the address suggestion, click anywhere onscreen other than the address suggestion dropdown.

Address 2The Customer's/Contact's additional address information [Shipping address 2]. Typically unit number, apartment number, or other address details.
CityThe Customer's/Contact's city [Shipping city].
StateThe Customer's/Contact's or province [Shipping state or province].
ZipThe Customer's/Contact's zip code or postal code [Shipping zip code or postal code].
CountryThe Customer's/Contact's country [Shipping country].
PhoneThe Customer's/Contact's main phone number, either home or business [Shipping phone number].
Birth DateThe Customer's/Contact's birth date [Shipping birth date].
Update club membership(s) with this address.By checking off one of the clubs, it will update the shipping address for that club. This will only show if the Contact is a club member. If this is not checked off, this new shipping address, or edit to an existing shipping address, will not affect the shipping address of the Contact's club membership(s).

*Required fields are shown with an asterisk

Import Shipping Addresses

This option works best if you have a lot of addresses to import for a single contact or if you're only importing a few references. Click the right-hand menu item, Import Addresses.

1. When your import file is ready, click Browse, then search for your file. You can also download a sample file if you do not have a copy already.

2. Once you select the file, click the Import button.

Export Shipping Addresses

This option works best if you have a lot of addresses to export for a single contact or if you're only exporting a few references. Click the right-hand menu item, Export Addresses.

Once you have clicked the Export Addresses link, a screen will appear and automatically start downloading for you. From here, you must click the Download Report button to open the file as a CSV.

Export For Corporate Orders

This option works best if you have a lot of addresses to export for corporate orders. Click the right-hand menu item Export For Corporate Order.

Once you have clicked the Export For Corporate Order item, a screen will appear and automatically start downloading for you. From here, you must click the Download Report button to open the file as a CSV.

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