One Click Offers
  • 06 Feb 2025
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One Click Offers

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Article summary

One Click Offers is a promotional tool that allows you to automatically add specific items to the shopping cart via a custom URL. Now, instead of driving traffic to a product page and hoping the customer will add it to their cart and complete checkout on their own, with One Click Offers, they'll be directed straight to the Checkout page with their shopping cart pre-filled—fewer clicks for them, more online sales for you.

Create One-Click Offers

1. Navigate to Store section> Promos subsection> One Click Offer.

2. Click the Add a One Click Offer button.

3. In the General Information section, you will set up the basic information for your One Click Offer.

4. In the Custom Cart section, you can pick the items and Quantity that will populate in the cart when the link is clicked. This can include any SKU you have in your Admin Panel. 

5. In the Marketing section, you can set the URL you want the One Click Offer to have. By default, it will be

6. Once you have set your information, we encourage you to click on the Marketing URL and confirm it is working. 

General Information

The General Information section allows you to adjust the basic information for your One Click Offer.

*NameThe name of your One Clicks Offer.

Custom Cart

The Custom Cart section lets you specify the Products you want to include in your One Click Offer. You can determine the SKU and Quantity that will be automatically added to the cart whenever a customer clicks the One Click Offer link.

Product (SKU)

SKU Code of the Product 

PricePrice of the Product. This will always be the Retail Price; you can't override the price.

Quantity of the SKU to be added to the cart.


Total Price of the SKU (Price x Quantity)

[+] Add ProductAdd an SKU to be added to the cart with One Click Offer.
[X] RemoveRemove SKU from being added to the cart with One Click Offer.


The Marketing section allows you to customize your One Click Offer URL. By default, it will use the One Click Offer name. 


The complete URL used to trigger the One Click Offer.

Marketing URL

A shortened version of the URL which contains the One Click Offer   

QR Code

When scanned, the QR code will link to the URL in place. 

The QR code changes every time the marketing URL is changed. If you print your QR codes on your products, ensuring the marketing URL does not change is very important.

One Click Offer FAQs

Can I delete a Click Offer?

No. One Click Offer cannot be deleted at this time. Please be aware that when you send out a link with One Click Offer, it may not be accessed immediately. There is a possibility that your customers will try the link again in the future, so we want to make sure they don't point to a broken page.

How do One Click Offers work with other promotions and discounted pricing?

One Click Offers does not change how promotions or discounts are applied. Unless you have a special Promo that applies to all customers, they must either log in (to receive Wine Club Member discounts, for example) or enter the applicable Promo code.

I haven't upgraded to New Checkout yet. Can I use One Click Offers?

One Click Offers is only compatible with New Checkout. One of the reasons we made the checkout changes was to enable the development of new features like this one and our new PayPal integration. If you aren't yet using the New Checkout tools, we encourage you to check them out! 

Where can I use the One Click Offer custom URLs?

You can use the One Click Offer links anywhere you would use any other URL, including email marketing, social media, your blog, or anywhere else on your website.

Does One-Click Offers work for Mobile sites?

No, One Click Offers will not work on a Mobile site. It will work for responsive websites only.

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