Order Notes
  • 29 Mar 2023
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Order Notes

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Article summary

Use Order Notes for record-keeping purposes or share important details about a specific order with internal team members. You can also designate a Note as a Flag, which will then appear on the General tab of each Order pop-up window. Order Notes and Flags are NOT visible to your customers.

Add A Note

1. Click on the order number and then click on the Notes tab.

2. Click the green [+] Add A Note button and complete the form.

3. In the Types drop-down menu, you can select either Note or Flag. 


View a Note or Flag


1. In the Admin Panel, navigate to Dashboard > Notes.

2. Here, you can view a full listing of any Notes and Flags in place. They are defaulted to be sorted by date.

3. Use the Advanced search parameters to find specified Notes or Flags based on orders or contacts. 

Order Window

1. Click on the order number to view.

2. If a Note is created, it will be viewable and editable in the Notes tab.

3. If a Flag is created, it will be viewable in both the Notes and General tab as a banner message.


1. Do order notes flow to fulfillment?

Any notes attached to the order will not flow outside of WineDirect Ecommerce. The notes are intended for internal communication.

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