Order Service 3.0
  • 06 Dec 2023
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Order Service 3.0

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Use this method to search across orders.

Use this method to get a single order.

Use this method to upsert orders.

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Part Of: Order Webservice 3.0



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Use the SearchOrders() function to get a single order or a list of orders using the search options listed below. Required fields are indicated by a '*'

Webservices V3.0+ date/time stamps are UTC time.


AttributeData TypeDefaultDescription
WebsiteIDsUUID List Available for Enterprise Webservices
Comma seperated list of WebsiteIDs in Enterprise
Leave blank for all Websites
OrderIDUUID UUID of the Order

Enumerated ("Submitted", "Quarantine", "Pending", "Completed", "Cancelled","Hold")

PaymentStatusEnumerated ("Refunded", "Voided", "Submitted", "Declined", "Paid", Authorized", "Pending")  
ShippingStatusEnumerated ("PickedUp, "SentToFulfillment", "Shipped", "NoStatus")  
TypeString 50  
IsARMSOrderBoolean Is this order from RMS. This element is present in V301 and higher.
PickupLocationCodeString 50 This element is present in V301 and higher.
BillFirstNameString 50  
BillLastNameString 50  
ShipFirstNameString 50  
ShipLastNameString 50  
ShipStateCodeString 50  

Sample Request:

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="https://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:xsi="https://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="https://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
        <Username>Your Username</Username>
        <Password>Your Password</Password>

Sample Response:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="https://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:xsd="https://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="https://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">

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Part Of: Order Webservice 3.0



Australian URL:



Use the GetOrder() function to get a order contact. Required fields are indicated by a '*'

Webservices V3.0+ date/time stamps are UTC time.


AttributeData TypeDefaultDescription
WebsiteIDUUID Available For Enterprise Webservices
UUID of the Vin65 Website
Not necessary if OrderID is present
Useful if searching by OrderNumber
and OrderNumber is not unique across Enterprise
OrderIDUUID UUID of the Vin65 OrderID

Sample Request:

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="https://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:xsi="https://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="https://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
        <Username>Your Username</Username>
        <Password>Your Password</Password>

Sample Response:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="https://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:xsd="https://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="https://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
          <Address>123 Test Ave</Address>
          <ClubName>Red Club</ClubName>
          <ClubShipmentName>2014 May Shipment</ClubShipmentName>
           <!--This is where the California CRV value will be returned-->
            <CouponName>$25 Dollar Off Case Discount</CouponName>
        <OrderNotes>Original Order</OrderNotes>
          <Address>123 Test Ave</Address>

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Part Of: Order Webservice 3.04



Australian URL:



Use the UpsertOrder() function to upsert an array of orders. Required fields are indicated by a *.


AttributeData TypeDefaultDescription
Orders *Array of Objects Contains the following attributes. At least 1 is required in the Orders array.
Order.WebsiteCodeString 50 A text code to identify a source of orders for websites with multiple sources pushing orders in. Typically this is used for wineries with multiple tasting rooms.
Order.ContactIDUUID The internal WineDirect ID for the contact this order belongs to, if known.
Order.AltContactIDString 50 Your external reference for the contact this order belongs to, if known.
Order.OrderTypeString 50POSOne of 'AdminPanel, ClubOrder, Facebook, iPad, Mobile, POS, Telemarketing or Website'. Note client can modify order types, if defaults are changed and you pass in an order type that does not exist, the response will be a friendly error with a list of order types that are accepted.
Order.OrderNumber *String 50 The order number in your system.
Order.OrderDate *Date The date the order was first placed.
Order.ShipDateDate The date the order is shipped.


String 255Handled ExternallyShipping Status must be one of: 'Picked Up, Handled Externally, No Shipping Required, Sent to Fulfillment, Shipped'.
Order.BillingBirthdateDate Billing contact's birthdate. Format is in: MM/DD/YYYY or DD/MM/YYYY.
Order.BillingFirstNameString 50 Billing contact's first name. 
Order.BillingLastNameString 50 Billing contact's last name. 
Order.BillingCompanyString 100 Billing contact's company.
Order.BillingAddressString 100 Billing contact's address.
Order.BillingAddress2String 100 Additional information regarding the billing contact's address.
Order.BillingCityString 100 Billing contact's city.
Order.BillingStateCodeString 2 Billing address State/Provice code. Two character abreviated state or province code. Example: California = CA and British Columbia = BC
Order.BillingZipCodeString 50 Billing contact's address zip code.
Order.BillingPhoneString 50 Billing contact's phone number. Format is in: 000-000-0000.
Order.BillingEmail *String 100 Billing contact's email address. Used as a secondary means of matching order history to customer records. If no customer number is included orders will be matched with a customer record using the billing email address. If no customer record is found that matches the email, a new contact record will be created.
Order.ShippingBirthdateDate Shipping contact's birthdate. Format is in: MM/DD/YYYY or DD/MM/YYYY.
Order.ShippingFirstNameString 50 Shipping contact's first name. 
Order.ShippingLastNameString 50 Shipping contact's last name. 
Order.ShippingCompanyString 100 Shipping contact's company.
Order.ShippingAddressString 100 Shipping contact's address.
Order.ShippingAddress2String 100 Additional information regarding the shipping contact's address.
Order.ShippingCityString 100 Shipping contact's city.
Order.ShippingStateCodeString 2 Shipping address State/Provice code. Two character abreviated state or province code. Example: California = CA and British Columbia = BC
Order.ShippingZipCodeString 50 Shipping contact's address zip code.
Order.ShippingPhoneString 50 Shipping contact's phone number. Format is in: 000-000-0000.
Order.ShippingEmailString 100 Shipping recipient's email address.

If the order is being shipped to a known address book entry whose internal WineDirect ID is known, you can provide that here and it will be updated with any changes included in the order.

Order.AltShippingAddressIDString 50 Your shipping address ID, if known, will be used to either match to an existing entry in WineDirect or create a new one on the fly.
Order.GiftMessageString 1024 Gift message included on the order.
Order.OrderNotesString 1024 

These notes are typically from the customer intended to be viewed by the winery or fulfillment. They are visible to the customer, so do not put internal notes in this field that you don’t want them to see.


The total of line items in the order only.


The amount charged for shipping.


The amount charged for handling.


The amount charged for tax, not the tax rate.

Order.TotalNumeric The total amount charged which should equal the sum of subtotal, shipping, handling, and tax. 
Order.SendToFulfillmentBooleanFalseSends orders to fulfillment through the WineDirect fulfillment manager if set to true.

Either 'Order' or 'Refund'. If it's a 'Refund' - need to pass in 'PreviousOrderID' or 'PreviousOrderNumber'.

Order.PreviousOrderNumberNumeric Internal WineDirect order number for the previous order. 
Order.PreviousOrderIDUUID Internal WineDirect ID for the previous order. 
Order.SourceCodeString A way to identify where orders came from (used in reporting).
Order.SalesAssociateString Matches the name of an existing Sales Associate in the system. A friendly error will be returned if there are no matches.
Order.IsPickupBooleanTrueWhether the order is a pickup or shipping order.
Order.TendersArray of Objects Each Tender contains the following attributes.
Order.Tender.PaymentType *String 50 Payment Type must be one of the following: 'GiftCard, Points, Cash, Check, CreditCard, OnAccount, ZeroDollarInvoice, Other'.
If the payment type is 'CreditCard', then 'CreditCardExpirationMonth', 'CreditCardExpirationYear', and 'CreditCardType' are required
Order.Tender.PaymentDateDate Date the payment took place.
Order.Tender.AmountTendered *Numeric Amount the tender covered of the order.
Order.Tender.CreditCardExpirationMonthInteger Month of the credit card's expiry. Required if 'PaymentType' is 'CreditCard'.
Order.Tender.CreditCardExpirationYearInteger Year of the credit card's expiry. Required if 'PaymentType' is 'CreditCard'.
Order.Tender.CreditCardTypeString An enumerated field that is one of: 'Visa, MasterCard, AmericanExpress, Discover, JCB, Diners'. Required if 'PaymentType' is 'CreditCard'.
Order.Tender.CreditCardNameString 100 The name on the credit card.
Order.Tender.CreditCardNumberString The credit card number.
Order.Tender.PointsRedeemedInteger Number of points redeemed.
Order.Tender.GiftCardIDUUID The WineDirect ID of a gift card, if known.
Order.Tender.GiftCardCodeString 50 The code for the Gift Card.
Order.Tender.GiftCardNumberInteger The Gift Card number.
Order.Tender.GiftCardVendorInteger The vendor of the Gift Card.
Order.OrderItemsArray of Objects Each OrderItem contains the following attributes.
Order.OrderItem.Quantity *Integer Quantity of the order item.
Order.OrderItem.ProductNameString 255 Name of the product.
Order.OrderItem.ProductSKU *String 255 SKU of the product.
Order.OrderItem.InventoryPoolIDUUID The WineDirect ID for the inventory pool that the SKU's quantity should be deprecated from.
Order.OrderItem.DepartmentCodeString 50 The department code for this item. If this code is pre-setup in WineDirect then reports will show the department name otherwise they will just show the code that is uploaded for this item.
Order.OrderItem.SubDepartmentCodeString 50 The sub department code for this item. If this code is pre-setup in WineDirect then reports will show the sub department name otherwise they will just show the code that is uploaded for this item.
Order.OrderItem.OriginalPriceNumeric Unit original price before discounts.
Order.OrderItem.Price *Numeric Unit price after discounts that will be multiplied by quantity to get the extended price.
Order.OrderItem.CostOfGoodNumeric Unit cost of good.
Order.OrderItem.SalesTaxNumeric Optionally, set the amount of tax to be applied to a specific item in the order.
Order.OrderItem.IsNonTaxableBooleanFalseSet to true to mark an item as non-taxable for the purpose of calculating tax by line item.
Order.OrderItem.ShippingServiceString 100 The shipping code used on this order item. Typically things like “GROUND”, “2DAY”, etc.
Order.OrderItem.ShippingPartnerString 100 The shipping company used. Typically “InHouseFedEx”, “InHouseUPS”, “WineShipping”, etc.
Order.RMSObject Only used for WineDirect RMS cloud connect POS order uploads. Attributes are described below.
Order.RMS.BatchIDString 50  


String 20  


String 20  


String 20  

Sample Request:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" >
        <Password>//Your Username//</Password>
        <Username>//Your Password//</Username>

Sample Response:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
            <ErrorMessage>1 orders(s) failed to upsert. View 'OrderResults' for more details.</ErrorMessage>
            <Errors />
                <BirthDate />
                <CashierID />
                <CustomerNumber />
                <MasterContactID />
              <CorporateOrderBatchID />
              <CorporateOrderNumber />
              <FutureShipDate />
              <Marketplace />
              <OrderCoupons />
                  <ParentSKU />
                  <ShippedDate />
                  <Weight />
              <PaymentTerms />
              <PickupDate />
              <PreviousOrderNumber />
              <RequestedDeliveryDate />
              <RequestedShipDate />
                <BirthDate />
              <ShippedDate />
              <ShippingStatus>Handled Externally</ShippingStatus>
              <ShippingType />
                  <CardExpiryMo />
                  <CardExpiryYr />
                  <GiftCardCode />
                  <GiftCardID />
                  <GiftCardNumber />
                  <GiftCardVendor />
                  <PaymentDate />
                  <PointsID />
                  <PointsRedeemed />
                <ErrorMessage>A valid email address, contactID, or altContactID is required.</ErrorMessage>
                <ErrorMessage>Order Date must be a valid date.</ErrorMessage>
            <Order />

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