Order Services 2.0
  • 06 Apr 2023
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Order Services 2.0

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Article summary







contactID (string)
A GUID reference to the contact in the WineDirect system. Specifying a contactID will return all orders for a specific contact.

altContactID (string)
A string reference to the contact in your system. If you previously set this value, you can retrieve orders using your reference ID rather than WineDirect’s. Specifying an altContactID will return all orders for a specific contact.

orderType (string)
An enumerated type having a value of “Website”, “Mobile”, “iPad”, “Admin Panel”, or “Club Order”.

orderNumber (string)
A unique order number in the WineDirect system. Specifying an orderNumber will return one specific order record.

billingFirstName (string)
The billing contacts first name.

billingLastName (string)
The billing contacts last name.

shippingFirstName (string)
Shipping contacts first name. 

shippingLastName (string)
Shipping contacts last name. 

fromDate (date)
A filter criteria specifying that only orders submitted after this date are to be returned.

toDate (date)
A filter criteria specifying that only orders submitted before this date are to be returned.

orderStatus (string)
An enumerated type having a value of “Pending”, “Submitted”, “Completed”, “Cancelled”, or “Quarantine”.

paymentStatus (string)
An enumerated type having a value of “Pending”, “Submitted”, “Authorized”, “Paid”, “Declined”, “Refunded”, or “Voided”.

isDTT (boolean)
Set to true if you only want to return orders placed using the direct-to-trade feature.

isPickup (boolean)
Set to false to exclude pickup orders.

isPendingPickup (boolean)
Set to true if you’d like to only return pickup orders that have not yet been picked up.

isIncludePOSOrders (boolean)
Set to true if you'd like to include POS orders in your results. Default is false, returning only orders placed online through the WineDirect platform.

isShowKitSKU (boolean)
Set to true for bundle/kit type SKUs if you'd like the Master or Bundle SKU in your results.  Set to false if you prefer to have the bundle broken out into each of it's components.  Default is false.

page (numeric)
Used for pagination in conjunction with maxRecordCount. It allows the caller to request data in segments. The page parameter specifies which segment and the maxRecordCount specifies how big the segment should be. For example, if you display 20 records on a page and you want the third page, you would set page equal to 3 and maxRecordCount equal to 20.

maxRecordCount (numeric)
Specifies the maximum number of records to return. Typically used for pagination in conjunction with page. It allows the caller to request data in segments. The page parameter specifies which segment and the maxRecordCount specifies how big the segment should be. For example, if you display 20 records on a page and you want the third page, you would set page equal to 3 and maxRecordCount equal to 20.



orderID (string)
The internal WineDirect ID for the order.

orderStatus (string)
An enumerated type having a value of “Pending”, “Submitted”, “Completed”, “Cancelled”, or “Quarantined”.

paymentStatus (string)
An enumerated type having a value of “Pending”, “Submitted”, “Authorized”, “Paid”, “Declined”, “Refunded”, or “Voided”.

shippingStatus (string)
An enumerated type having a value of “Picked Up”, “Sent to Fulfillment”, or “Shipped”.

orderType (string)
An enumerated type having a value of “Website”, “Mobile”, “iPad”, “Admin Panel”, or “Club Order”.

billingTitle (string)

billingCountryCode (string)
An enumerated type of value of "CA, US, CN, AU, or JP" 

shippingTitle (string)

shippingCountryCode (string)

isPickup (boolean)
Set to true if the order is picked up or set to false to clear the picked up status.

priceLevel (string)
The price level used when the order was placed. Wineries may specify as many price levels with any name they want in the WineDirect system. If this field is to be used, care should be taken to synchronize price level names between systems first.

sourceCode (string)
A text field typically used for tracking the source of the order via codes printed on marketing materials. Can also be used to store meta data for reporting instead.

paymentTerms (string)
Enumerated type that is either blank (default), “Net 10”, “Net 30”, or “Upon Receipt”.

wholesaleNumber (string)
If this was a direct-to-trade order, the wholesale number used to purchase would be in this field.

shippingDate (date)
The date the order was shipped.

shippingService (string)
The shipping code used on this order item. Typically things like “GROUND”, “2DAY”, etc.

trackingCode (string)
The tracking number from fulfillment for this order.

isDTT (boolean)
Whether the order was placed via direct-to-trade or not.

dateAdded (date)
When the order was added. 

dateModified (date)
When the order was modified. 


orderItemID (string)
The internal WineDirect ID representing this order item.

displayOrder (numeric)
The order in which the items should be displayed on the invoice.

isSubSKU (boolean)
Set to true if the item is part of a “kit” or “bundle” under a separate parent SKU.

parentSKUID (string)
If the item is a sub-SKU, indicate the parent SKU with this field.

productID (string)
The internal WineDirect product ID, if known.

productType (string)
An enumerated type with values of “Bundle”, “CITB”, “ClubPrePay”, “GiftCard”, “Product”, “Spirit”, “Wine”, or “WineProduct”.

brandKey (string)
The brand of the product, used primarily for synchronizing with ShipCompliant.

productSubTitle (string)

productSKUID (string)
The internal ID representing this productSKU.

shippingSKU (string)
The SKU as it is represented to fulfillment which is sometimes different than the internal or customer-facing SKU.

unitDescription (string)
A description of the unit type for this product, typically values like “bottle”, “ea”, or “basket”.
(12) weight (string)

weight (numeric)

trackingCode (string)
Tracking code for the individual item in the order. Useful if the order shipped in multiple shipments and each line item may have a different tracking number.

shippingService (string)
The shipping code for the individual item in the order. Useful if the order shipped via multiple services and each line item may have a different service.

shippingDate (date)
The date this piece of the order was shipped.

shippingPartner (string)
The fulfillment house.

dateAdded (date)
Date item was added. 



This method requires an array of PostOrderTracking objects be passed in. The properties of the PostOrderTracking object are listed below.

orderNumber (string)
The order number that you would like to change the tracking status on.

trackingNumber (string)
The tracking number of the order.

carrierRequest (string) 

shipDate (date)
The date that the order was shipped. If left blank, shipDate is set to the current date.

sendTrackingEmail (boolean)
Set to true if the you want WineDirect to email the customer a "Order Tracking" email.


There are no additional response parameters.



This method requires an array of PostOrderShippingStatus objects be passed in. The properties of the PostOrderShippingStatus object are listed below.

orderNumber (string)
The order number that you would like to change the tracking status on.

shippingStatus (string)
An enumerated type having a value of “PickedUp”, “Shipped”, “HandledExternally”, “SentToFulfillment”, or “NoShippingRequired”. Please note for Shipped and PickedUp orders it's better to use PostOrderTracking and PostPickup webservices.

shippingStatusDate (date)
The date that the shipping status changed. If left blank, shipping status date is set to the current date.


There are no additional response parameters.



This method requires an array of PostPickup objects be passed in. The properties of the PostPickup object are listed below.

orderNumber (string)
The order number that you would like to change the pickup status on.

pickupDate (date)
The date that the order was picked up. If left blank and isPickedUp is true, pickupDate is set to the current date.

isPickedUp (boolean)
Set to true if the order is picked up or set to false to clear the picked up status.


There are no additional response parameters.



This method requires an array of Order objects be passed in. Each Order contains an array of OrderItem objects. The properties of the Order and OrderItem objects are listed below.  If an order is upserted with a member that does not exist, that member will automatically be created.


websiteCode (string - 50)
A text code to identify a source of orders for websites with multiple sources pushing orders in. Typically this is used for wineries with multiple tasting rooms.

contactID (string - 36)
The internal WineDirect ID for the contact this order belongs to, if known.

altContactID (string - 50)
Your external reference for the contact this order belongs to, if known.

orderType (string)
One of 'AdminPanel, ClubOrder, Facebook, iPad, Mobile, POS, Telemarketing or Website'.  Defaults to POS if not passed in. Note client can modify order types, if defaults are changed and you pass in an order type that does not exist, the response will be a friendly error with a list of order types that are accepted.

orderNumber (string - 50) - Required
The order number in your system.

orderDate (date) - Required
The date the order was first placed.

shipDate (string) 
The date the order is shipped. 

shippingStatus (string) 
Default to handled externally. 

billingBirthdate (date)
Billing contact's birthdate. 

billingFirstName (string - 50)
Billing contact's first name. 

billingLastName (string - 50)
Billing contact's last name. 

billingCompany (string - 100)
Billing contact's company.

billingAddress (string - 100)
Billing contact's address.

billingAddress2 (string - 100)
Additional information regarding the billing contact's address.

billingCity (string - 100)
Billing contact's city.

billingStateCode (string - 2)
Billing address State/Provice code. Two character abreviated state or province code. Example: California = CA and British Columbia = BC

billingZipCode (string - 50)
Billing contact's address zip code.

billingPhone (string - 50)
Billing contact's phone number. Format is in: 000-000-0000.

billingEmail (string - 100) - Required
Billing contact's email address. Used as a secondary means of matching order history to customer records. If no customer number is included orders will be matched with a customer record using the billing email address. If no customer record is found that matches a new contact record will be created.

shippingBirthdate (date)
Shipping recipient's birth date. Format is in: MM/DD/YYYY or DD/MM/YYYY.

shippingFirstName (string - 50)
Shipping recipient's first name.

shippingLastName (string - 50)
Shipping recipient's last name.

shippingCompany (string - 100)
Shipping recipient's company name.

shippingAddress (string - 100)
Shipping recipient's address.

shippingAddress2 (string - 100)
Additional information for the shipping recipient's address.

shippingCity (string - 100)
Shipping recipient's city.

shippingStateCode (string - 2)
Billing address State/Provice code. Two character abreviated state or province code. Example: California = CA and British Columbia = BC

shippingZipCode (string - 50)
Shipping recipient's zip code.

shippingPhone (string -100)
Shipping recipient's phone number. Format is in: 000-000-0000.

shippingEmail (string - 100)
Shipping recipient's email address.

shippingAddressID (string - 36)
If the order is being shipped to a known address book entry whose internal WineDirect ID is known, you can provide that here and it will be updated with any changes included in the order.

altShippingAddressID (string - 50)
Your shipping address ID, if known, will be used to either match to an existing entry in WineDirect or create a new one on the fly.

giftMessage (string - 1024)
Gift message included on the order.

orderNotes (string - 1024)
These notes are typically from the customer intended to be viewed by the winery or fulfillment. They are visible to the customer, so do not put internal notes in the field you don’t want them to see.

subtotal (numeric)
The total of line items in the order only.

shipping (numeric)
The amount charged for shipping.

handling (numeric)
The amount charged for handling.

tax (numeric)
The amount charged for tax, not the tax rate.

total (numeric)
The total amount charged which should equal the sum of subtotal, shipping, handling, and tax. 

paymentType (string)
Payment Type must be one of the following: GiftCard, Points, Cash,Check, CreditCard, OnAccount, ZeroDollarInvoice, Other.
If the payment type is CreditCard, then creditCardExpirationMonth, creditCardExpirationYear, and creditCardType are required

paymentDate (string) 

amountTendered (string) 

creditCardExpirationMonth (numeric) 

creditCardExpirationYear (numeric)

creditCardType (string)
An enumerated field that is one of Visa, MasterCard, AmericanExpress, Discover, JCB, Diners.

creditCardName (string - 100)
The name on the credit card.

creditCardNumber (string)

pointsRedeemed (numeric) 

giftCardId (string)

giftCardCode (string) 

giftCardNumber (string) 

giftCardVendor (string) 

sendToFulfillment (boolean)
Defaults to false.  Sends orders to fulfillment through the WineDirect fulfillment manager if set to true.

orderItems (Item)
An array of Item objects as described below.

transactionType (string) 
Has to be order or refund and if its refund - need to pass in previous order ID or previous order number. 

previousOrderNumber (numeric) 
Internal WineDirect order number for the previous order. 

Internal WineDirect ID for the previous order. 

sourceCode (string) 

salesAssociate (string) 

isPickup (boolean) 
Is defaulted to true.

An array of RMS objects as described below. Only used for WineDirect RMS cloud connect POS order uploads.

Tenders (Item)

orderItems - Item

quantity (numeric) - REQUIRED

productName (string - 255)

productSKU (string - 255) - REQUIRED

inventoryPoolID (string) 

departmentCode (string - 50) 
The department code for this item. If this code is pre-setup in WineDirect then reports will show the department name otherwise they will show the code that is uploaded for this item.

subDepartmentCode (string - 50)
The sub department code for this item. If this code is pre-setup in WineDirect then reports will show the sub department name otherwise they will show the code that is uploaded for this item.

originalPrice (numeric)
Unit original price before discounts.

price (numeric) - REQUIRED
Unit price after discounts that will be multiplied by quantity to get the extended price.

Unit cost of good.   

salesTax (numeric)
Optionally, set the amount of tax to be applied to a specific item in the order.

isNonTaxable (boolean)
Set to true to mark an item as non-taxable to calculate tax by line item.

shippingService (string - 100)
The shipping code used on this order item. Typically things like “GROUND”, “2DAY”, etc.

shippingPartner (string - 100)
The shipping company used. Typically “InHouseFedEx”, “InHouseUPS”, “WineShipping”, etc.


BatchID (string -50)

CashierID (string - 20)

RegisterNumber (string - 20)

StoreID (string - 20)


There are no additional response parameters.

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