  • 29 Mar 2023
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Article summary

By navigating to Store > Orders in your admin panel, you’ll see that you can use the parameters on the left to search for orders. Search fields include Order #, First and Last Name, Email, From/To Date, Order Status, Payment Status, Shipping Status, and Vendors. 

Under Advanced are Club, Club Shipment, User Choice Orders, Shipping Strategy, Shipping Type, Ship State, and Pickup Location.

Edit Order Information

You can edit some order information after you process an order. Below are the steps on how to do it:

1. Go to Store > Orders.

2. Open up an Order that you need to customize some of the order information on. You can also view all the order details, including order # and Date, billing information, shipping information, credit card, gift message, order notes, items purchased, SKUs, shipping, handling, and sales tax.

3. Click on the green pencil in the Order Information section.

4. Once you have clicked the green pencil, you will be able to edit:

Order TypeThe Type of the Order. Below are some examples:
  • AdminPanel
  • Website
  • POS
Sale TypeIf it is Onsite or Offsite.
CampaignSelect which Campaign the order should be a part of.
Sales AssociateThe sales associate gets credit for the order.
Sales AttributeA sales attribute is one of the ways to track, organize and sort your orders coming into WineDirect.
Source CodeThis is a free text field where you can type in any internal notes or details for the order.

Now this new information updated on your order will allow you to have this newly updated information available in your reporting.

Add A Customer To A 'Guest Customer' Order

You can edit some order information after you process an order. Below are the steps on how to do it:

1. Go to Store > Orders.

2. Open up an Order to which you must add a customer. You can also view all the order details, including order # and Date, billing information, shipping information, credit card, gift message, order notes, items purchased, SKUs, shipping, handling, and sales tax.

3. Click on the person/plus icon in the Billing Information section.

4. Once you have clicked the icon, you can search for a customer already in your WineDirect database. Enter the search information and click Search.

5. Pick the single connection you want to add to this order from the contacts in your search results. Then click the blue arrow in the last column to add the touch. Once you've clicked it, then close the order window.

Complete Multiple Orders

You can select multiple orders and complete them in the Orders listing rather than clicking on each order to complete.


1. Navigate to Store > Orders in the Admin Panel.

2. Use the left-hand Search Orders parameters to find any Submitted orders you'd like to complete through the Status drop-down menu.

3. Click the checkbox next to the order, or select the checkbox at the top left corner to select all orders in the listing.

4. Once checked, you will see the Actions drop-down menu at the top of the order listing. Select Complete Orders.

5. A window will appear that will allow you to choose if you'd like to Capture Payment, Email Order Confirmations and give you options to mark the Shipping Status.

6. Once you've selected the appropriate order selections, click Apply Changes to finish.

Email Customers Through Orders

You can select multiple orders and send emails to these customers through the Orders section instead of using the Send Mass Email tool. For example, this may be helpful if you need to email your customers who have Declined Payments on an order or have Not Picked Up their order yet.


1. Navigate to Store > Orders in the admin panel.

2. Use the parameters on the left to search for orders based on the email document you wish to send.

3. Click the checkbox next to the order, or select the checkbox at the top left corner to select all orders in the listing.

4. Once checked, you will see the Actions drop-down menu at the top of the order listing. Select Email Customers.

5. A pop-up window will allow you to select the Email Category and the Email Document you wish to send. A list of the customers you have chosen to send the email to will also appear below.

6. Select Send Email to send the selected email document.

Search Orders

You can search for orders using the Search filters available under Search Orders. You can combine multiple search filters to refine your search and work through different scenarios.


1. Navigate to Store > Orders in the admin panel.

2. There should be a Search Orders section on the left side.

Order Type

Order Type assigned to the Order - ie. Website, POS, AdminPanel, ClubOrder, etc.

You can select multiple Order Types to include by checking various boxes.

Order #Order Number assigned to the Order
First NameFirst Name of the Contact listed under the Billing Information.
Last NameThe Last Name of the Contact is listed under the Billing Information.
EmailEmail address of the contact under Billing Information.
From DateOrder Date must fall on or after the selected Date.
To DateThe order Date must fall on or before the selected Date.
StatusThe Order Status of the Order - ie. I am completed, Submitted, Pending, quarantined, etc.
PaymentThe status of the Payment transaction used on the Order - ie. We paid, Authorized, Declined, etc.
ShippingThe Shipping Status of the order and its location in the fulfillment process - ie. It was shipped, Not Shipped, Delivered, Sent To Fulfillment, Picked Up, etc.
Club (Advanced)Filters for Club Orders that have a specific Club Name. This filter will only work for Club Orders processed from Club Processing.
Club Shipments (Advanced)Once the Club is selected, you can choose a specific shipment to filter for.
User Choice Orders Filters for User Choice Club Orders that have been Customized (any deviation from the shipment's Default wines). Please make sure to select a Club and Club Shipment. You will want to ensure you manually note future ship date orders with your filtered club orders.
Shipping StrategyFilters for orders that use a specific Shipping Strategy.
Shipping TypeOnce Shipping Strategy is chosen, you can select a specific Shipping Type to filter for.
Ship StateThe State the order is set to ship to.
Pickup LocationThe Pickup Location the order is set to be picked up at.

3. Once configured, the Filters, to find the needed orders, click Search.

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