Parcel Send Report
  • 29 Mar 2023
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Parcel Send Report

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Article summary

For Australian Wineries Only
The. CSV export from the Parcel Send Report is formatted explicitly for Parcel Send (Australian Post) to update and add all addresses in order automatically.

Report Setup

To ensure the accuracy of all orders, we recommend taking additional setup steps for each of the following columns.

Product ID

Parcel Send requires the Product ID field to represent the shipping type for each order. We automatically take the Shipping Types "Code" from your Shipping Strategy and place it into the Product ID column for the report.

To ensure the data is correct before your report is run, we recommend double-checking that the corresponding Product ID from Parcel Send is correctly entered into your Shipping Strategy.

To update your list of Parcel Send Product IDs.

  1. Log into your Parcel Send Account.
  2. Go to Settings > CSV Import > Shipping Methods.
  3. After you've chosen the Product IDs you want to offer, log into your WineDirect Admin panel.
  4. Go to Shipping > Shipping Types > Code.
  5. Enter the codes you want your customers to use and click Save.


Take the time to make sure you've added weight as detail on each of your products. Every time you create a new order, the report will calculate the total weight based on the weight you entered for each product. WineDirect automatically rounds up to the nearest half KG for final calculations.

If an order is placed for products with no weight entered, the column will default to 0, which will cause an error on upload to ParcelSend.  If you do not enter all your product weights, you will have an empty or incorrect weight listed for each product, and you will need to manually update each order in the report before uploading. We STRONGLY recommend you enter your product weights.

Running The Report

  1. Go to Reports > Shipping > Parcel Send
  2. Select the date range (DD/MM/YYYY)
  3. Under Manage Filters, confirm that your report settings are accurate.
    1. You'll find All Types as the default Order Type option, but it can up updated only to include the Club Order Order Type if needed.
    2. Order Status will only pull Completed and Submitted orders
    3. Shipping status will only use Not Shipped and Sent to fulfillment orders
  4. Under Manage Report Columns, select which optional columns to include or remove from your report.
    1. Learn more about the columns and what data is output by default here.
  5. Preview your report with View, or click Export to download in a . CSV format.

Parcel Send CSV

Below is the documentation for the columns in the Parcel Send report and what data from WineDirect is used for each. (Definitions are only included for columns populated with WineDirect order information.)

Mandatory rows are marked with a *

Column Name

Parcel Send Instructions

WineDirect Report

Row type *

Enter the letter S for prior shipments and P for any subsidiary shipments to the same address.

S is automatically hardcoded into the column for you.

The report will print off a single label per order. These must be manually adjusted if you need multiple package labels (P).

Sender account

The eight-digit sender account number.

Australia Post customers with a single sender account may delete this column.

This column is blank, and the default AUS post account attached to Parcel Send will be used.  

You must manually populate the account numbers if you have multiple accounts and want to charge different orders to different versions.

Recipient contact name *

Name of the recipient.
(Maximum 40 characters.)

The First and Last Name from the shipping address is populated.
Recipient business name

Recipient's business name. (Maximum 40 characters.)

If there is one, the Company Name from the shipping address is populated. Otherwise, this column will be blank.
Recipient address line 1 *

The first line of the address where the item will be sent.
(Maximum 40 characters.)

The Shipping Address is populated.
Recipient address line 2

The second line of the address where the item will be sent.
(Maximum 40 characters.)

Shipping Address 2 is populated.
Recipient address line 3

The third line of the address where the item will be sent.
(Maximum 40 characters.)


This column is left blank but can be filled manually if necessary.
Recipient suburb *

Suburb where the item will be sent.
(Maximum 30 characters.)

The suburb will be validated against the Stat and postcode.


The Shipping City is populated.

Recipient State *

State code for where the item will be sent.

Valid values are ACT, NSW, NT, QLD, SA, TAS, VIC, and WA.

The State will be validated against the suburb and postcode.


The Shipping State is populated.
Recipient postcode *

4-digit postcode for where the item must be sent.

The postcode will be validated against the suburb and State.


The Shipping Post Code is populated.
Send tracking email to the recipient.

Either YES or NO.

Enter YES to send tracking emails to the recipient.

The recipient's email address must be entered if YES is entered.

If left blank, the default is NO.

YES is automatically populated if a billing email is present.
Recipient email address

Recipient's email address.

Even if tracking emails aren't requested, entering the recipient's email address helps Australia Post match parcels to recipients in the MyPost app.

(Maximum 50 characters.)

Optional – unless "Send tracking email to recipient" is YES

The Billing Email is populated.

Recipient phone number

Recipient's phone number.


The Shipping Phone Number is populated.
Delivery/special instruction 1

Space for additional instructions or information that will show on the Parcel's label. 

(Maximum 128 characters.)


The Order Notes are populated.
Sender reference 1

Space for additional information that will show on the Parcel's label. 


The Order Number is populated.
Sender reference 2

More space for additional information will show on the Parcel's label. 


This column is left blank but can be filled manually if necessary.
Product ID *

The 3-4 character Product ID code corresponds to the required shipping method.

Examples are 3P85, EXP, 7C53.

A unique list of product codes for your account is available in Parcel to Send under Settings – CSV import.


The Shipping Type Code / Carrier Code from the shipping method is populated.

Please see "Report Setup" for more information.

Authority to leave

Either YES or NO.

Enter YES to allow the authority to leave (ATL) for the item.

If the field is blank, the default depends on the chosen product.


NO is automatically populated, but this can be updated manually if necessary.

Safe drop

Either YES or NO.

Enter YES to allow safe drop for the item if the recipient requests it.

If the field is blank, the default depends on the chosen product.

NO is automatically populated, but this can be updated manually if necessary.

A number between 1 and 99. The number of identical parcels.

If left blank, the default is 1. A quantity can be specified for rows with a type of either S (Shipment) or P (Parcel). 

This column is left blank, defaulting to 1, but it can be filled manually if necessary.
Weight *

The item weighs in kilograms, up to 3 decimal places, up to 32 kg.


This column is calculated based on the weights you have entered for each product in the order and then rounded up to the nearest half KG.

If you have not entered any weights for your products, a default of 4KG (6 bottles) has been entered, and you will need to adjust each line manually.

If your package weight is over 32 kg, you must split the package manually into more than one Parcel.


Length of the item in centimeters, up to 1 decimal place.

Optional for Australia Post customers using cubic weight pricing.

This column is left blank but can be filled manually if necessary.

Width of the item in centimeters, up to 1 decimal place.

Optional for Australia Post customers using cubic weight pricing.

This column is left blank but can be filled manually if necessary.

Height of the item in centimeters, up to 1 decimal place.

Optional for Australia Post customers using cubic weight pricing.

This column is left blank but can be filled manually if necessary.

Parcel contents

Description of the item.

(Maximum 50 characters.)


WINE is automatically populated, but this can be updated manually if necessary.
Transit cover value

Enter the dollar amount of transit cover required up to 2 decimal places. Don't include the $ symbol.

Note transit cover may not be applicable for all products.


The total before the discount has been calculated in this column.

Remove this column if you do not want to include transit cover for your shipments.

Importing Parcel Send Order Report

  1. Login to your account on the Parcel Send Website.
  2. Follow the setup steps outlined in the Parcel Send Import Guide.

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