Payment Type Summary
  • 29 Mar 2023
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Payment Type Summary

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Article summary

The Payment Type Summary report allows you to view a summary of the total dollar amount per tender type (Cash, CreditCard, GiftCard, etc.). Credit card totals will be broken down further by the card type used (American Express, Discover, Diners, JCB, Master Card, Visa).

Running The Report

1. Go to Reports > Financial > Payment Type Summary. 

2. Select the payment types (Tender Types) you want to run the report. 

3. Adjust the dates, or click Manage Filters and Manage Reports Columns to customize your report.

4. Click Export to queue your report for download. It will be emailed to you when ready. You can also Save As or click Actions > Schedule to schedule your report to generate regularly.

Payment Type Summary CSV

Below are the columns that are in the default Payment Type Summary report. 

Payment DateThe date of the specific payment made on order.
Payment Type

The type of payment method tendered. 

  • i.e. Cash, CreditCard, GiftCard, Check, Terminal, etc.
Card Type

If the Tender Type is CreditCard, this will be the type of card used.

  • i.e., AmericanExpress, Discover, Diners, JCB, MasterCard, and Visa.
Amount Tendered

The dollar amount for the tender.

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