POS Orders
  • 01 Nov 2023
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POS Orders

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Article summary

The POS system has been designed to be simple and intuitive, allowing your tasting room staff to place orders quickly. Products and contacts will be drawn from the same database that your website uses. While each order may differ, here are a few basic steps to placing an order on the POS system.

Who Is The Customer?

Orders can be placed for both guests (anonymous checkouts), where you are not worried about collecting contact data, or for customers already part of your contact database. The POS application is tied directly to your contact database so that you can look up customers and club members; plus, any promotional offers, discounts, and order history will all be shown for the correct contact record.

Guest Checkouts

The Guest Customer "name" is the default order scenario for the POS. If you do not select a specific customer (Find Contact) or collect data (Add New Contact, e.g., name, email, etc.) before proceeding to the payment screen, the system will make a new contact with the first and last name of the Guest Customer. 

During checkout, you will be asked to enter an email address to send a digital receipt to the customer. If you enter an email address, a customer record with the email address will be created, and the order will be placed into the order history for the Contact. This will allow you to go in and flesh out a contact record later if you gather additional information from the client on a later occasion or through paper signup sheets.

If you choose not to enter an email address, the order will be saved, but it will have the  "Guest Customer" name attached.

The winery's address will automatically attach to the order, allowing a guest checkout order to flow into integrated compliance and fulfillment systems. The address used can be created through Pickup Locations and added to the POS application through the POS Profiles section.

New Customers

If you would like to create a new contact profile before or during placing an order for a customer, click the area of the guest icon in the upper right-hand corner of the POS screen. A drop-down menu will open, then click the blue 'Add New Contact' button to add the Contact's information. Contact details can be entered manually, or you can swipe a customer's driver's license to try to collect some information available on the magnetic strip.

Existing Customers/Club Members

If the customer is returning and already has a customer profile, you can look them up by clicking in the area of the guest icon in the upper right-hand corner of the POS screen. A drop-down menu will open, then click the blue "Find Contact" button. Searching for the customer by name, email, or phone will bring up a list of contacts that meet your search criteria. Click the blue Select button next to the correct Contact and their name; additional stats will replace Guest Customer. Any order placed will now be in the order history for that Contact.

Payment Methods

After selecting a customer and adding items to the cart, it's time to have the customer pay for their order. 

Entering A Payment Method: Learn the different types of payments available for a POS order and how to choose them.

Removing A Payment Method: Learn how to draw a payment method (Refund/ Return) if a customer chooses to switch payment methods or wishes to add additional items to their order. Lea

Entering Payment Method

When processing an order on the WineDirect POS system, you can capture payment in several methods and split costs.

  • Pay With Cash
  • Scan Credit Card with Camera
  • Enter Credit Card Manually
  • Use Gift Card
  • Removing a Payment Method

Below we'll discuss each of the available methods.

Pay With Cash

With this method, all you need to do is enter the amount tendered and received (the actual money received into your hand from the customer), and then you can give them the proper amount of cashback.

If you try to enter a sum of cash less than the amount due, an onscreen error message "Cash Tendered cannot be less than the Amount Due" will prompt you to increase the money tendered amount you are entering. 

Scan Credit Card with Camera

This feature allows you to scan the front of the card with your iPad's camera. This will enable you to process the card when it recognizes its number and expiry date.

For security and fraud prevention purposes, the images do not connect to the internet and are not saved on the iPad or the customer record. If you cannot access this option, please ensure your WineDirect POS app is updated on the App Store.

Enter Credit Card Manually

This payment method allows you to type in the credit card number, the expiry month, the year, and the CVV2 number.

Use Gift Card

When you use a Gift Card on a purchase, any amount on the Gift Card gets applied to the current order total. If the sum of the Gift Card exceeds the purchasing capacity, then the customer pays nothing else out of pocket and can use the rest of the money on the Gift Card for a future purchase.

For more information, please check out our Gift Card Documentation.

Removing A Payment Method

Are you at the point of the transaction where you've run into the customer's payment method(s) and then asked to switch to a credit card? Or are you entering the payment, and the customer requests to add or remove items from the order? It's not too late! The information below will cover how to draw a payment method from and demand, allowing you to change the order.

Credit Card Payments

If you have swiped, scanned, or manually entered the customer's credit information for the order but they have not signed, it is not too late to go back and make alterations to the order. You can navigate back to the main payment screen using the Back and Cancel buttons, allowing you to either change the payment method or use the Cancel button on the payment screen to go back to the POS page to add or remove items from the order.

1. Depending on how far along you are in the payment process, click Back until you see the Cancel. 

2. Clicking the cancel button on the Tips screen will trigger a Void on the credit card transaction and return you to the payment screen.

3. From the payments screen, you can choose a different payment method or click Cancel once more to jump back to the POS main screen to add or remove items from the order.

Non-Credit Card Payments (Cash, Gift Card, etc.)

You can remove a payment method between adding various tenders when placing a split tender order.

1. Once a tender has been added successfully, you can click the Remove button to remove it from the order, and allow you to enter an alternative form of payment.

Manage Orders on POS

Learn how to manage your Orders in the Order Manager of the Vin65 mobile POS app. Below are tips and tricks on how to Manage your orders, Process Refunds.

1. Choose Order Manager.

2. Now, you can choose any order to act as the Order Manager. 

Once you press on the row of the order number you wish to act on, the Actions button will appear.

If you click the checkboxes, you can select multiple orders simultaneously. When you do this, the Actions button will appear. You can only choose as many orders to appear on one POS screen page at a time.

Selecting the Actions button will give you options to mark the orders as picked up or unmark them as picked up.

Refund on POS

You can follow the steps below to process a refund on the POS.

1. Open the POS application.

2. From the main menu (3 bar icon in the upper left of the screen), select Order Manager. 

3. Select the order you wish to refund from the order list. 

4. Click the Refund Items button.

5. You will now arrive on the Refund Items screen, where you can refund the entire order or a portion of it. (Please note: An order can only have one Refund placed against it).

By default, all items, shipping, tips, handling, etc., will be added to the Refund, allowing you to place a complete refund order easily. You can also edit the quantity and prices of individual items by clicking the Refund/Return buttons next to an article, which will bring up a popup item menu. 

Restock Inventory determines whether Inventory will be adjusted to account for the Refund transaction.

You can choose how much to refund each product, and the handling and shipping charges, if any, apply. The taxes will automatically be calculated for each Refund.

6. Press the green Refund button once you are ready to process the Refund.

7. Here, you will see the refund payments screen. Click Refund next to each tender and click process on the popup window. 

Once the refund amount reaches ($0.00), meaning that the funds to be returned and the amount you choose to refund to the payment method match, the Process Refund button will turn blue. 

8. Click Process Refund to complete the refund process. 

This will create a new order number in Vin65 and will appear as a refunded order. This process is the same as the Vin65 Admin Panel Partial Refund tool.

Hold/Resume An Order On POS

To place an order on hold on the POS, follow the steps:

1. Select the POS menu button in the top left corner.

2. Click Hold Order from the menu listing.

3. In the Hold Order popup window, input a Hold Nickname or an Email Address.

4. Click Apply to put the order on hold.

To resume an order on hold on the POS, follow the steps:

1. Select the POS menu button in the top left corner.

2. Click Resume an Order from the menu listing. 

3. From the Resume Order popup window, select an order from either Your Held Orders, based on Sales Associate who is logged in, or All Held Orders for a complete listing by clicking Resume next to the order.

POS Address Error Notifications (ShipCompliant Users Only)

This feature allows you to identify and correct address errors before a customer leaves the tasting room, helping ensure more orders pass quarantine.

Quarantined orders are orders where payment has been captured, but the ShipCompliant compliance check failed. It could fall for a myriad of reasons. We recommend addressing any compliance failures on Quarantine Orders as soon as possible.

With this feature, as you go through the POS Checkout flow, as soon as the Shipping Address is entered and the user selects Charge, the POS will start attempting to verify the address with ShipCompliant immediately.

If there are any issues, you will see a warning message outlining why the Compliance Check failed. We recommend double-checking the Shipping Address with the customer if you see these warnings.

If you choose to continue and a POS order is quarantined due to an address issue, you will be notified when it fails compliance like so:

To find details about the compliance failure(s), click on the error message, which will take you to the following:

Note that if an order is quarantined for a reason other than an address error, you will not receive this popup alert. You will need to manually navigate to an order to find out if it is quarantined.

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