Product Bundle/Set
  • 11 Jun 2024
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Product Bundle/Set

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Article summary

Here you can learn about adding a Product Bundle/Set to your list of products. Read the following text to learn more:

How To Create A Product Bundle

Check out our training video on creating sets and bundles, and become a pro at building these out for email promotions, holiday campaigns, and more. If you're our fulfillment client, catch the second part of the video for useful gift pack tips.

1. In the Admin Panel, navigate to Store > Products > Products.

2. Click [+] Add a Product.

3. From the Product Type drop-down menu, select Product Bundle/Set.

4. Fill out the rest of your product details in the General Information section.

5. Click Save once you have finished filling out the General Information. 

You can do more to your Product once this first step is done.

General Information 

Here are the definitions of each field in the General Information section:

Product TypeChoose from the list of Product Types to control what kind of Product you will create.
  • Wine
  • Wine Product
  • Product Bundle
  • Event Ticket
  • Gift Card
  • Spirit
*Product NameThe name of your Product. This is a mandatory field and should be less than 50 characters. 
Sub TitleUse this as an additional title for your Product on your Website.
POS TitleThis is used on the WineDirect POS when you need a shorter name to recognize your Product.
Shipping StrategyThis is normally set to "Use Default" but can be changed to a different Shipping Strategy.
PhotoUpload a photo in JPG or PNG format from your computer that follows the recommended pixel width and height.
*Product SKUThis will be the SKU of your Product. The best practice is to keep it as short as possible and avoid using special characters such as @ & #.
Product BrandThis should be the brand of your Product. You can add many brands to WineDirect.
Unit DescriptionTell us the description of your unit. This could be a "Balcony Seat" for an Event Ticket or a "Bottle" for a standard wine.

The weight of the entire Bundle. Weight-based shipping and Easy Ship will use the weight set on the Bundle, not each piece within it. This should be the combined weight of all the items in the Bundle.

  • It must be numeric, i.e., 3, not 3 lbs
Retail PriceThis should be the standard Price that you are charging your customers.
Sale PriceThis is the sale price of your Product. If left blank, the Retail Price will be the authority. Once you put a dollar amount here, this will be the displayed Price.
Is Active?Check this box so that your Product is sellable in the Admin Panel.
Display on Website?Check this box so that your Product can be bought from your Website.
WD Fulfillment

Allows you to control how the Product Bundle/Set will be sent to WineDirect. (Only appears if your WineDirect account is integrated with WineDirect Fulfillment).

  • Send to Fulfillment Normally: If selected, the Bundle SKU will not be sent over to Fulfillment, only the subSKUs that make up the Bundle, so WineDirect knows which wines to pack for the order. This would be used for bundles that are not prepackaged at WineDirect.
  • Send to Fulfillment/Compliance as Parent SKUIf selected, the bundle SKUwill only be passed to WineDirect Fulfillment, not the individual products that comprise the Bundle. This allows you to deplete the individual wine inventory in WineDirect still while selling prepackaged GSETS* at WineDirect.

*GSETs are prepackaged bundles picked, packed, and stored at WineDirect Fulfillment.

RMS Only Product?Check this box so that your Product is only available on your RMS.

*Required Fields

Add Products to the Bundle

Now you can edit what products go into the Bundle.

1. Click Add Product To Bundle [+].

2. Search for your Product to go into the Bundle> pick quantities of your Products.

3. Click Save.

4. Check to see if there is anything wrong with the inventory of your products. If there is a Red row, at least one of your inventory pools will have issues placing this order. You will want to update that Product's inventory levels in the Inventory section.

Product Bundle/Set FAQs

  1. Why are bundle orders not being charged taxes?
  2. Can I set a limit on how many product bundles can be sold?
  3. Is there a way to set the inventory of this product bundle to only pull from the X inventory location?
  4. How do bundles calculate shipping?

Why are bundle orders not being charged taxes?

Product Bundles use Product tax rates even if the bundle only contains wines. If the order is not charging taxes this is likely because no Product tax rate has been added to your State Profile in WineDirect, or your tax settings within ShipCompliant (if you use ShipComplaint).

Can I set a limit on how many product bundles can be sold?

The inventory amount for the bundle cannot be defined in the bundled product (this means there is no way of setting a limit on how many of a specific bundle can be sold). What will happen is that the system will analyze the items in the bundle, and whichever item has the lowest inventory, will be the "inventory" available of that particular bundle. Moreover, the bundle will mark as sold out whenever it runs out of one item inside this bundle.

Is there a way to set the inventory of this product bundle to only pull from the X inventory location?

It is important to note that inventory for bundles cannot be set to a specific inventory location. The inventory pool showing in each product bundle is the same as the inventory pools defined in each individual product. Therefore, the bundle follows the information available for each product added to the bundle.

How do bundles calculate unit-based shipping?

Bundles calculate unit shipping based on the quantity of bottles that make up the bundle. The rates will correspond to the ones set in your shipping strategies.

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