Product Importer
  • 04 May 2023
  • 9 Minutes to read
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Product Importer

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Article summary

The Product Importer tool will allow you to import multiple products into your admin panel. The import tools can also be used with the Product Exporter to make mass updates to existing product details. 

Importing Products

The importer tool will review products based on SKU and either create a new product if the SKU does not exist or update the existing Product that matches the SKU.

1. Go to Settings > Import/Export > Product Importer in the Admin Panel.

2. If you are importing products for the first time and do not yet have an excel sheet filled out in one of the two required import formats, select either Download Regular Sample File or Download Advanced Sample File. 

If you want to update existing products, use the Product Exporter to export them with their details and settings. The Advanced sheet format is the best for exporting and importing to edit products as it contains the most information and settings for your products.

3. Complete the sample sheet following the formatting guidance found in the Regular vs. Advanced Sheet Formats Documentation. When complete, ensure your file is saved to s spot you can easily find on your computer and close the sheet (not just minimized).

4. Click Browse to locate the import sheet you have saved on your computer.

5. Select the Format that the sheet uses. See the Regular vs. Advanced Sheet Formats Documentation for more details.

6. Click Import.

A progress bar will let you know the status of your import. 

Regular vs. Advanced Sheet Formats

There are two product import/export sheets available: Regular & Advanced. 

  • Regular Format: This sheet includes the essential information you need to create products in WineDirect and assign them to your website. If you are starting and don't have much knowledge and are not setting up products on POS, this might work best for you.
  • Advanced Format: This sheet format contains more settings than the regular sheet and allows you to assign products to your website and POS. Suppose you are updating existing products in WineDirect. In that case, you will want to use the Advanced sheet when exporting and importing your products to ensure you do not overwrite settings already set on the Product.

Regular Sample File

This sheet format includes the essential information you need to create products in WineDirect and assign them to your website. If you are starting and don't have much knowledge and are not setting up products on POS, this might work best for you.

Below is the list of definitions found in the Regular Sample File:

ProductTitleThe name of the Product.

The name of the product type assigned to the Product.

  • Example: Wine, Products, etc.
BrandThe brand name was given to the Product.
DepartmentCodeThe department codes the Product is assigned to.
SubDepartmentCodeIf a subdepartment is available, the code for a specific subdepartment the Product is assigned to.
TeaserThe teaser was added to the Product.
DescriptionThe full description has been added to the Product.

The file name of the photo for the Product. The name must exactly match the file name that has been uploaded to your assets.

  • Example: Red-Wine-No-Label7.jpg
SKUThe SKU gave to the Product.

The description of the Product.

  • Example: 750ml, 1.5ml, trim, etc.
WeightThe weight of the Product.
PriceThe price of the Product.
Vineyard DesignationThe name of the producing vineyard is added to the Product.

The bottle size chosen for the Product is in milliliters. This value must be numeric.

  • Example: 375, 750, 1500, etc. 

The vintage is the single specified year (e.g., 2018) added to the details of the Product. You can optionally specify that wine is non-vintage using the following designations (not case-sensitive):

  • NV
  • Non-Vintage
  • Non-Vintage
  • NonVintage
RegionThe region of the Product.
AppellationThe appellation of the Product.

The type of wine.

  • Examples: Red, White, etc.
VarietalThe varietal of the Product.
BottlesInACaseHow many bottles make a case for this Product.
WSRatingThe Wine Spectator rating.
RPRatingThe Robert Parker rating.
WERatingThe Wine Enthusiast rating.
HarvestDateThe date of the harvest for the Product.
SugarThe sugar level of the Product.
AcidThe acid level of the Product.
PHThe pH level of the Product.
AgingThe age of the Product.
FermentationThe fermentation details for the Product.
BottlingDateThe bottling date of the Product.
ResidualSugarThe residual sugar level of the Product.
TanninThe tannin amount for the Product.
AlcoholPercentageThe percentage of alcohol content in the Product.
tasting notesTasting notes can be entered here.
RatingsAny additional ratings for the Product?
AwardsAny applicable awards can be added here for the Product.
VineyardNotesAny additional notes for the vineyard?
production notesAny other production notes?
WinemakerNotesThe notes for the Product from the winemaker.
food pairingAny food pairing notes?
OtherNotesAny additional miscellaneous notes.

Advanced Sample File

This sheet format contains more settings than the regular sheet and allows you to assign products to your website and POS. Suppose you are updating existing products in WineDirect. In that case, you will want to use the Advanced sheet when exporting and importing your products to ensure you do not overwrite settings already set on the Product.

Below is the list of definitions for the columns found in the Advanced Product Importer Sample File:

ProductTitleThe name of the Product.
POSTitleThe name of the Product is to be shown on the POS.
SKUThe SKU gave to the Product.
PriceThe price of the Product.
SalePriceThe price of the Product when it is on sale.
CostOfGoodsThe cost of goods associated with the Product.

The name of the product type assigned to the Product.

  • Example: Wine, Products, etc.
BrandThe brand name was given to the Product.
DepartmentCodeThe department codes the Product is assigned to.
SubDepartmentCodeIf a subdepartment is available, the code for a specific subdepartment the Product is assigned to.

Allows the user to declare whether the Product is active or not.

  • 1 = Active
  • 0 = Inactive

Allows the user to declare if the Product is to be displayed on the website. The format is: 

  • 1 = Active
  • 0 = Inactive
ActionMessageAny action message for the Product.
TeaserThe teaser was added to the Product.
DescriptionThe full description has been added to the Product.

The website category (website page) the Product is assigned to

The category name in the spreadsheet must match the website Category (Page) you created.

Website categories (Pages) must be created before import. For more information, see the POS Categories Documentation.


The POS Category (section on the POS)to which the Product is assigned. 

The category name in the spreadsheet must exactly match the POS Category that you have created.

POS Categories must be created before import. For more information, see the POS Categories Documentation.


The file name of the photo for the Product. The name must exactly match the file name that has been uploaded to your assets.

  • Example: Red-Wine-No-Label7.jpg

The description of the Product.

  • Example: 750ml, 1.5ml, small, etc.

Allows the user to declare if the Product is taxable or not.

  • 1 = Non-Taxable
  • 0 = Taxable

Allows the user to declare whether the Product is to bypass compliance/fulfillment.

  • 1 = ByPass
  • 0 = Do Not ByPass 

Allows the user to declare whether the Product has a shipping charge.

  • 1 = Product will NOT be charged shipping
  • 0 = Product will be charged shipping
isNoPromosApplicableAllows the user to declare if the Product is applicable for promotions. The format is 1 (no promos can be applied) or 0 (promos apply).
WeightThe weight of the Product.
Price2 Price11These columns allow the user to define any additional price level prices for the Product.
SupplierThe supplier of the Product.
ReOrderSKUCustomers may use the SKU if they wish to re-order the Product.
ShippingStrategyThe shipping strategy assigned to the Product. Please ensure that the strategy names match 1:1 with the strategies set up in your Shipping Rates tables.
Vineyard DesignationThe name of the producing vineyard is added to the Product.

The bottle size chosen for the Product is in milliliters. This value must be numeric.

  • Example: 375, 750, 1500, etc. 
VintageThe vintage added to the details of the Product.
RegionThe region of the Product.
AppellationThe appellation of the product.

The type of wine.

  • Examples: Red, White, etc.
VarietalThe varietal of the Product.
BottlesInACaseHow many bottles make a case for this Product?
WSRatingThe Wine Spectator rating.
RPRatingThe Robert Parker rating.
WERatingThe Wine Enthusiast rating.
HarvestDateThe date of the harvest for the Product.
SugarThe sugar level of the Product.
AcidThe acid level of the Product.
PHThe pH level of the Product.
AgingThe age of the Product.
FermentationThe fermentation details for the Product.
BottlingDateThe bottling date of the Product.
ResidualSugarThe residual sugar level of the Product.
TanninThe tannin amount for the Product.
AlcoholPercentageThe percentage of alcohol content in the Product.
tasting notesTasting notes can be entered here.
RatingsAny additional ratings for the Product?
AwardsAny applicable awards can be added here for the Product.
VineyardNotesAny additional notes for the vineyard?
production notesAny other production notes?
WinemakerNotesThe notes for the Product from the winemaker.
food pairingAny food pairing notes?
OtherNotesAny additional miscellaneous notes.

Allows the user to determine whether the Product is using WineDirect's Inventory tool.

  • One = Uses Inventory
  • 0 = Does not use Inventory

Product Importer FAQs

What does "Spreadsheet in an incorrect format" mean?

Your spreadsheet cannot be imported because one or more of the column headers do not match the sample sheet. It is best to download either the Regular or Advanced Sample Sheet and make sure that all columns are present, spelled correctly, and contain the correct spelling and capitalization. 

Common issues are that a column has been deleted from the sample sheet that you are trying to import or the name of the column does not match the required format (example: pproduct title instead of ProductTitle [missing capitalization and includes a space between words]).

Can I assign products to my website or POS with the importer?

Yes. Products can be assigned to your website categories (pages) using either the Regular or Advanced import sheets. 

POS categories can only be assigned using the Advanced import sheet. 

You can only assign a product to one category per import. If you would like to add a product to multiple website pages or POS categories, you will need to upload more than one spreadsheet - in this case, all you need to change between each different spreadsheet is the Categories or POSCategories column(s).

If a Category or POS Category does not exist prior to import it will not be created.

Can I update existing products using the importer?

Yes. The importer will look to see if a product already exists that matches the SKU listed in your spreadsheet. If a match is found the importer will update the product with all of the information in in the spreadsheet. In no match is found a new SKU and product will be created.

You should use the Product Exporter (Advanced Format) to first export your products, edit the details in the exported sheet, and import the edited sheet.

Before importing my products, do I have to set up all wine settings, like Wine Types, Appellations, Regions, Bottle Sizes, etc.?

No. Product information such as: Wine Types, Appellations, Regions, Bottle Sizes, etc. Are automatically created based on the data within your spreadsheet when you import it. These can be edited manually afterwards as well (for spelling mistakes, etc.) under the Store > Products section of the admin panel.


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