Promos - Promo Builder
  • 11 Jun 2024
  • 8 Minutes to read
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Promos - Promo Builder

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Article summary

WineDirect's powerful PromoBuilder allows for the creation of volume-based discounts and promotional codes to help drive traffic and increase sales. The two main types of Promos you can build are the Discount Off Promo and the Buy X Get Y Free Promo.

Discounts can be applied to products, shipping, or both and added as percentages or dollars off. Discounts can also be applied to mixed orders, certain products only, or all products with certain exclusions. Discounts can apply across the board or to certain member types only. Start and end dates are also available. Watch the videos below for clear instructions for using the Promo Builder.

As a best practice, ALWAYS test your promotions fully to ensure you are not over-discounting your products. We recommend testing by having a coupon code, so the test won't be a live promotion.

Promo Builder Training

How To Set Up A Promotion

1. Go to the Store.

2. Go to Promos in the subtab.

3. Click on the green Add A Promo button.

4. A General Information section will open up.

General Information

This is the first informational section of the Promo Builder.

1. Add your details to the Promo.

2. Press Save.


Choose Discount off or Buy X Get Y


This is the front-facing name. 


Add in the Code for your Promo. This is an optional field. If left blank, the Promo will automatically apply. *The Code has a 50-character limit

Available To

Choose from these options:

  • Everyone

  • Specific Contact Types

  • Specific Club Levels

Product Selection

Choose from these options:

  • Promotion of Select Products

  • Promotion of Select Brands

  • Promotion of Select Departments

  • Promotion on Entire Store


Controls your promotion's start and end date and bases it on PST time at midnight to start and 11:59 PM for expiry dates.

Limit Use

Choose from these options:

  • Unlimited Use

  • Limit Per Customer

  • Limit Per Store

Allow Show Promo on List in POS

This allows you to show the Promo as a clickable Coupon button in WineDirect POS. *Must have a Promo Code to work*

POS Promo Name

This is a shortened name for your promo button on WineDirect POS.

Products/Excluded Products

There are four options for adding Products:

  • Promotion of Select Products

  • Promotion of Select Brands

  • Promotion of Select Departments

  • Promotion on Entire Store

Depending on what you choose will control what you see next. You can search for Products, Brands, or Departments to include in the Promo. Or you will see the ability to choose which products to exclude.

 If you switch from 'Promotion on Select Products' to 'Promotion on Entire Store' (or vice versa) without removing your excluded or selected products, the system will remember those choices. For example, if you had 'select products enabled, then switch to 'entire Store, the system will still only apply the Promo to those select products unless they are removed first.

1. Click on Search for Products.

2. Check the products you would like to add to the Promo.

3. Click Save


Here you can control the specific filters of your promotion.

1. Add in your specific choices for the promotion.

2. Press Save.

Product Promo Type

Choose Percent Off or Dollar Off. To the right, choose the percent or dollars off in the Promo section.

Shipping Promo Type

Choose Percent Off, Dollar Off, or Flat Rate. To the right in the Promo section, choose the percent off, dollar off, or flat rate dollar amount.

Shipping On

Choose Entire Store or Just These Products. Just These Products refers to only the products applicable to the promotion.

The promotion applies to the default shipping rate only

This checkbox refers to the default shipping type of your default shipping strategy. I.e, The Wine Shipping Strategy has a Ground Option. The Promo would only apply to this one shipping method.

Order Total From/To

These fields allow you to control the Order Total of the subtotal before the discount is applied. Products excluded in this Promo will still count towards the cart total but will not receive a discount.

Quantity From/To

These fields allow you to control the amount of bottles/products added to the cart for the Promo to apply.

Include subSkus

This checkbox allows you to count the individual bottle/item count within a bundle instead of counting the bundle as one item.

 If you "override" a price on an order in the admin panel or on the POS – a coupon will no longer apply to the overridden price. (If you manually discount someone – the coupon won't apply to the manual discounted price.)


In the admin panel or POS order, if you edit an item where the price has been overridden, you can remove the override price, and the original price will appear, and coupons will apply. Sales Detail and Sales Detail X Reports will show if an order's price has been overridden.


1. Click Advanced [+] to enter Price Levels and States.

2. Check the box or boxes if you want the coupon promo to be limited to certain Price Levels.

3. Check the box or boxes if you want the coupon promo to be limited to certain States or Provinces. Then click Apply Changes.


The categories can be viewed as folders to help you organize your promos. You can create new categories and manage them here. 

1. Click Edit. 

2. Choose the Category you want the Promo applied to (you can add new categories here).

3. Press Save.

 Want to manage and add your categories?

Promo Order Type

Promos may be applied to specific order types. For example, you may wish to offer a discount to individuals in your tasting room only so that you can limit the Promo to POS orders only. However, we caution against excessive use of this feature so that you do not exclude segments of your customers from receiving discounts. 

1. Click Edit.

2. Select the order types you would like the Promo to be applied to (e.g., POS, Website). 

3 Press Save.

Want to manage and edit your order types?

Promo Shipping Type

Promos may be applied to specific shipping types, or you may wish to limit which shipping types your customers can use with your Promo.

 By default, promos will apply to all shipping types. The discount will be applied to all shipping types if no shipping type is selected. 

1. Click Edit.

2. A list of shipping strategies and their corresponding types will appear. Select the shipping types you would like the Promo to be applied to (e.g., Ground, 2 Day). 

3 Press Save.

Want to manage and edit your shipping types?


Coupling allows you to set up promos that will apply together if the customer meets the qualifications for both promos. If promos are not coupled, the Promo offering the higher discount (larger saving) will apply.

1. Check the box or boxes you want your Promo to be coupled with another promotion. Only Active Promos will display on the list.

2. Click Apply Changes.

3. You have now successfully created a Promotion.

Our system automatically gives the best promotion possible to the customers they qualify for. 

Coupling can seem challenging at first, that is why we have a How-to guide for you to learn all the tips and tricks. Click here and upgrade your coupling skills.

Promo Not Working?

Suppose your promotion isn't working after you've changed everything. In that case, you may need to close your internet browser completely (or open a new internet browser) for the promotion to take effect (you need to do this because your internet browser will cache the old promotion, closing the browser will remove the cache).

Advanced Promotions in URL String

 Please note that currently, this feature only works with our older V1 checkout.

Find the page you want to link to... let's say it's both of these pages:



Determine whether you need a question mark (?) in the URL and when to use an ampersand (&) - basically, the first one is a question mark - the rest is ampersands - For example, below Add to the query string 'promocode=NoShipping' or whatever the promo code is.

Final URLs are:



Duplicate Promo

You can duplicate an existing Promo to create a new Promo with the same settings. To do so, open up the Promo you want to duplicate and select Duplicate in the top right-hand corner.

When a Promo is duplicated, you will be brought to a new promo with all the information copied (General Information, Excluded Products, Included Products, Discounts, Categories, Order Types, Shipping Types, and Coupling). 

The new Promo will also have a Code automatically added by the system. Since there is a Code, these new Promos will not be usable by customers immediately and will give you a chance to review its settings once you are happy with everything else. We recommend you edit or remove the Code depending on the use case.

Promo Builder FAQ

My new Promo isn't being applied to my order; one of my older Promos is showing up instead. What's happening?

Non-coupled Promos follow a rule of "Greatest Discount Wins". If a customer can apply for more than one Promo at once, then only the greatest discount will be used. The Promo will display as "inapplicable" if a greater discount is present instead.

Can I make a promo that permits me to discount SKU "B" if I purchase 12 bottles of SKU "A"?

No. At this time our Promo Builder is capable of making discount promotions and Buy X get Y Free Promotions. It does not have the capability to do Buy X get Y discounted.

My Promo returns an error stating that it cannot be applied to my order. What's wrong?

The two most common occurances of this error happens when a promo is excluded from an order when a non-coupled promo with a greater discount is already applied to it, or when the promo is discounting zero dollars.

I made a promo, but the discount is not on my product page!

Promotions will show up when viewing the cart or the checkout page. Promotions are best advertised elsewhere on your site, or within the product's description or teaser as a best practice.

I am trying to make a promo that automatically applies to my club members; how do I do so?

When creating a new promo, make sure that the dropdown box for Available To is set to Specific Club Levels. As well, make sure that your Code box is empty so that the promo automatically applies to your club members.

Finally, under the Club Levels heading, specify the clubs that you wish the promo to apply.

My $0.00 Flat Rate Shipping promo isn't discounting!

When the system sees "$0.00" as a value within a discount box, it persumes that there is no discount to be made. As a result, we recommend using a 100 percent off discount as opposed to a $0 flat rate to represent free shipping in your promotions to get the most consistant results.

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