Sales Summary By Product
  • 29 Mar 2023
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Sales Summary By Product

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Article summary

This report allows you to view your sales by your products. You can run a report based on SKUs within a specific date or order number range.

Running The Report

1. Go to Reports > Sales > Sales Summary by Product. 

2. Select the relevant SKUs. 

3. Adjust the dates, or click Manage Filters and Manage Reports Columns to customize your report.

4. Click Export to queue your report for download. It will be emailed to you when ready. You can also Save As or click Actions > Schedule to schedule your report to generate regularly.

Reports are exported in a CSV format.

Here are the definitions of what will populate your Sales Summary by Product report:

WebsiteThe Website the product is assigned to.
Order TypeThe different channels the product has been sold by will display in separate rows. (Ex: Website, POS, AdminPanel)
Product BrandThe brand assigned to the product.
DepartmentThe department assigned to the product.
Department CodeThe department code assigned to the product.
Sub DepartmentThe associated sub-department assigned to the product.
Sub Department CodeThe associated sub-department code assigned to the product.
Inventory PoolThe pool the inventory belongs to.
Product SKUSKU number assigned to the product.
VintageThe vintage of the product.
VarietalThe varietal of the product.
Product TitleThe title of the product.
Total QtyThe total quantity of products purchased.
Total DollarThe total dollar amount of the products.
Avg SaleThe average price that the specific product was sold at.

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