Search Contacts
  • 29 Mar 2023
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Search Contacts

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Article summary

You can search for a contact by typing in the search field. You can refine the search criteria by clicking Advanced and entering additional search information. Once the connectionContact is found, you can click on it to them manage the Contact.

Search Tools

First NameThe Customer's/Contact's first name [Billing first name].
Last NameLast Name The Customer's/Contact's last name [Billing last name].
EmailThe Customer's/Contact's email address [Billing email address].
PhoneThe Customer's/Contact's phone number [Billing phone number].

Click "Advanced" to access the following additional search tools.

Cust No.The unique customer record number is assigned to the Contact. This is the Vin65 customer number that can be used to look up and reference the Customer. 
CompanyThe Customer's/Contact's company [Billing company
CityThe Customer's/Contact's city [Billing city].
StateThe Customer's/Contact's state or province [Billing state or province].
Contact Type

Filter by any of your Contact Types created under Contacts > Contact Types. Any contacts that will need the Contact Type assigned will be returned.

Contact StatusNarrow down your search results by selecting the type of Customer you'd like to search for—filter by Prospect, 1stTimeCustomer, RepeatCustomer, and ClubMember.

Search Results

Name / AddressThe Customer's/Contact's first and last name and address [Billing information only].
InfoThe Customer's/Contact's customer number, email address, and phone number. [Billing information only].

The Customers/Contacts:

  • Number of orders
  • Last order date
  • Lifetime value (LTV)
  • Status (Prospect, First Time Purchaser, Repeat Purchaser, or Club Member)

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