  • 29 Mar 2023
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Article summary

In the Tasks area of the Dashboard, you can see all assigned tasks for your customers. These tasks can be used for many customer-related objectives. You could use this utility for reminders of a customer's sign-up/club membership anniversary, a reminder to contact them for special offers, a task to change a product on a particular day, or a reminder to refer to an order on a specific day.

Managing Tasks

If a task is overdue, the assigned admin responsible for it will be emailed every morning notifying them of this task. If multiple tasks are due, a list of jobs will be in the notification email to the assignee. In the Tasks area, you can assign a study to a specific contact with a specific due date. If they are overdue, they will appear red in the admin panel task list.

Searching For Tasks

You can also search for specific tasks that have been assigned either to yourself or other admin users.

Here you can choose the specific date parameters for your search and whether or not the task has been completed. You can also filter the search based on what the task is related to. If you leave the "Related To" field blank, it will search to include all tasks in your date range with or without a related to option.

Add/Creating New Tasks

The Tasks area in the Dashboard will not likely be the central location where you create tasks, but if you want to make a task in this area, you will see a window like this below.

Due Date*

The Date the task is scheduled to be due. Overdue tasks will display in red inside the Tasks tab.

Assign to*This drop-down menu allows the option to choose which admin user the task will be assigned. An employee must have an Admin Panel account to be eligible for tasks assigned to them. Please visit the Admin Users documentation for more information on creating new admin users.
Related To*The subject that the task is based on.
Connected To*Here you can assign this task to be connected to a specific customer. This lets you know who you may be reaching out to regarding the task.

This is the subject of the note. We recommend that this be somewhat descriptive of the actual note.


This is where you'll put detailed information about the task itself.

Send Email Notification 

Checking this allows admin users to set up a task reminder email that will be sent once a day to the individual's email address that is assigned the task until the task is marked as being completed. This email will also include an attachment in the form of an Excel spreadsheet listing all the outstanding tasks the individual has been assigned.

Email ToBased on who you picked for the Assign To field, it should auto-populate their email address. You can also edit/override this field with a different email address. Once it's reached the due date, it will email this email daily until the task is complete.
Is Complete This will close the task as complete if you check this box. You can uncheck the box whenever you want to open it back up.

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