- 31 Mar 2023
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Third Party Domains
- Updated on 31 Mar 2023
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As part of WineDirect's ongoing commitment to security management, we restrict unapproved third-party domains that can be used for embedding a page using <frame>, <iframe>, <object>, <embed>, or <applet>.
A few examples are:
- Embedding a video frame (Youtube, Vimeo, etc)
- Embedding a chatbot frame
- Embedding a sales traffic analysis frame
This is done by the security best practice of employing The HTTP Content-Security-Policy (CSP) frame-ancestors directive. This directive prevents modern browsers from loading unallowed third-party domains as embedded page content. Such a protection mechanism is a PCI Compliance requirement.
If your site embeds any third-party content domain, please check the list below to see if the domain is already allowed. If you are using third-party domains not on this list, please submit your request to security@winedirect.com to get them on our safe list and ensure your website content continues to display as expected.
Recognized list of third-party domains:
- book.peek.com
- instagram.com
- weatherwidget.io
- js.stripe.com
- googletagmanager.com
- photos.pixlee.com
- c.sharethis.mgr.consensu.org
- av. age verify.co
- *.filesusr.com
- assetss3.vin65.com
- js.driftt.com
- *.youtube.com
- *.wix.com
- instaembedder.com
- digioh.blob.core.windows.net
- dotcal.com
- consentcdn.cookiebot.com
- sb.monetate.net
- *.twitter.com
- static.parastorage.com
- *.ryzeo.com
- youtube-nocookie.com
- tableagent.com
- editmysite.com
- vars.hotjar.com
- snapwidget.com
- fareharbor.com
- platform.vinespring.com
- apps.wixrestaurants.com
- td.yieldify.com
- *.rfihub.com
- opentable.com
- *.optimizely.com
- widgets.resy.com
- loadbalancer.visitor-analytics.io
- booking.mangomint.com
- vinoshipper.com
- *.kampyle.com
- foleywineclub.co.nz
- *.wixapps.net
- gum.criteo.com
- my mobile app. online
- iplayerhd.com
- live2.brownrice.com
- paypalobjects.com
- cdn.krxd.net
- px.owneriq.net
- my.matterport.com
- yelp.com
- *.rlets.com
- onelineplayer.com
- insight.adsrvr.org
- webform-console.pernod-ricard.io
- *.ubembed.com
- adservices.brandcdn.com
- app.squarespacescheduling.com
- chat.broadly.com
- *.appspot.com
- embedsocial.com
- player.vimeo.com
- instansive.com
- *.rezdy.com
- t.sharethis.com
- secure.livechatinc.com
- *.facebook.com
- *.google.com
- s7.addthis.com
- Tock (*.exploretock.com)
- *.grappos.com
- *.lpages.co
- fecdn.user1st.info
- *.lightwidget.com
- *.youcanbook.me
- formcrafts.com
- *.doubleclick.net
- *.purechat.com
- *.issuu.com
- *.tawk.to
- *.appointy.com
- *.bubbleapps.io
- *.stripe.com
- *.helpscout.net
- *.typekit.net
- *.fullstory.com
- *.cellarpass.com
- *.elfsight.com
- *.userway.org
- *.mangomint.com
- *.duda.co
- *.multiscreensite.com
- *.acuityscheduling.com
- *.flipsnack.com
- *.bokun.io
- *.eventbrite.co.nz
- *.small.chat
- *.cincopa.com
- *.kazzit.com
- *.gowinecub.com
- *.mailmunch.co
- *.mailmunch.com
- *.thefork.com.au
- *.youriguide.com
- *.virtualbctours.com
- *.mailchimp.com
- *.olark.com
- *.jotform.com
- *.acsbapp.com
- *.godaddy.com
- *.typekit.net
- *.google-analytics.com
- *.facebook.net
- *.accessibe.com,
- *.bing.com,
- *.clickdimensions.com,
- *.donationx.org,
- *.googleapis.com,
- *.hello.myfonts.net,
- *.monetate.net,
- *.newrelic.com,
- *.newtonsoftware.com,
- *.typekit.net,
- *.visitingmedia.com
- *.vintools.co
- *.quickbooks.intuit.com
- *.referralcandy.com
- *.yotpo.com
- *.premiercellar.com
- *.fortsystems.com
- *.eztexting.com
- *.jivochat.com
- *.vinovisit.com
- *.linkedin.com
- *.docusign.com
- *.jebbit.com
- *.communitybenchmark.com
- *.winepulse.com
- *.netbookings.com.au
- *.sumo.com
- *.vivino.com
- *.gowinecub.com
- *.winering.com
- *.readytoship.com.au
- *.eway.ca
- *.vintrace.com
- *.nowbookit.com
- *.auspost.com.au (i.e. Parcel Send)
- *.createsend.com
- *.campaignmonitor.com
- *.simpletix.com
- *.brownrice.com
- *.instagram.com
- *.tripleseat.com
- *.jotform.com
- *.cloudbeds.com
- *.zoho.com
- *.curator.io
- *.booking.resdiary.com
- *.eway.com
Important: If you are using third-party domains not on the above list, please submit your request to security@winedirect.com to get them on our safe list and ensure your website content continues to display as expected.
* Asterisks denote wild cards to account for any subdomains. For example, certain wineries would have domains like winery123.filesusr.com and winery456.filesusr.com - so the above * allows for all subdomains of filesusr.com.